Image of Faces in Horror, Death Masks [ image stolen from here ]
Excerpt [from this source with video]:
Two women with children, both scientists, were saying the same things about Lyme Disease, fraud in testing in treatment of Lyme, and about international organized crime exploits of Big Pharma. Kathleen Dickson was in Connecticut USA. Lisa Masterson was in the UK, the London area. Both had their kids taken away and were hauled off to mental hospitals after having their kids taken away. This was retaliation for costing Big Pharma 100's of millions, if not billions, of dollars in lost illegal profits. What do Big Pharma, Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut Department of Administrative Services, Connecticut State Police Special Ops spies, Connecticut Courts, Connecticut Department of Children and Families DCF, and legislators on the Judiciary Committee all have in common?[more]Is the World Bank helping taint the 3rd World blood supply to get rid of those who are considered unfit to breathe by the world's less than 1% elite?
Should 3/4 of a million of taxpayer dollars, a pop, be used to buy police machine gun boats to go on rivers and lakes all over the US using taxpayer dollars as members of the middle class actually live under bridges, homeless? Should unmanned drones be flying over US airspace to spy on, and kill Americans, who the international corporate owners and bankers label terrorists? Should millions of dollars be paid for each bomb loaded on drone? Should we stop these crazy legislators from spending our money like this?
[click here] for story and video to go with:
With all equipment, fittings, and extras these boats are almost 3/4 of a million each. Meanwhile average citizens are going hungry, homeless, living under bridges. Should taxpayers pay to be machine gunned out on rivers and lakes by police?
The Real Terminators are International Bankers and Corporations
The following video was published as a Flash video, which are no longer allowed. Here is the video link: VIEW VIDEO (in a new browser window)
Text with video:
Who really wants all these wars? Is it the people, or money changers? [documentary]
The first 30 seconds are dedicated to identifying the less than 1% Elite. I show Eliot Spitzer the former New York Attorney General, then Governor, now an international corporate bankster mouthpiece on CNN. Should taxpayers have paid for Eliot's $6500 a pop, hookers? [story]
Then there is about 3 plus minutes, clips from the first Terminator Movie. The New World Order, the Globalists, will kill us slowly, or more quietly. [Courts are rubber stamps on the abuse]
The final 7 minutes are photos I took one of the factory towns that used to produce in the US, Lawrence, Massachusetts. [post]
The homeless are literally living under bridges. These people used to be the middle class. There is an international corporation and bankster war on the small farmer, small business, the self-employed, and the outspoken. They own the US Government and Military. While people go homeless and starve, the police state wants $700,000 boats to go on lakes and rivers, equipped with machine guns and other toys.
They want to poison our food and water. They want to make us sterile. They want us in prison, or dead. Wake up, look around. We have to do more than Occupy Wall St. OWS. The NDAA and ACTA are to make us slaves. These international pirates want a war with Iran. Look what they have done in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. Why should US taxpayers starve and go homeless so international organized crime can have military bases all over the world. Why should all citizens of the world be subject to these tyrants. I will share this video with public officials and those I want to enlighten.
Cops infiltrating your sexual relationships?
The following video was published as a Flash video, which are no longer allowed. Here is the video link: VIEW VIDEO (in a new browser window)
Text with video:
In the US, probably the UK, and probably in most of the world cops think they own single, married, even children for their sexual purposes. Anyone's business, home, children, spouse, family, job, and sum total of one's life can be stolen at anytime by police. [Post to go with video]
Elected officials like former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer can have sex with hookers, and pay $6500 to get laid, while being paid tax dollars. While being paid tax dollars Spitzer saw to it that call girls and their agents got arrested, the highest fines, and usually prison. Spitzer is a patron and ends up getting the big money as a host on CNN. Crime does pay for the less than 1% Elite.
With the passage of the Patriot Act, the NDAA, and pushes for internet censorship like ACTA, SOPA, and PIPA, police, elected officials, riggers of courts, international organized crime, heroin and cocaine traffickers affiliated with the CIA and DEA, and the international corporate owners and banksters can now do as these please. Robbery, rape, assault, kidnapping, indefinite detention, torture, murder, genocide, crimes against humanity is all now legal for the 1% elite and their minions because they say so.
[The Judicial Abuse blog] [My service to the abused]
[more of Steven G. Erickson video uploads]
The below is an excerpt [from here]
Genocide: among other things, the killing of people by a government because of their indelible group membership (race, ethnicity, religion, language).Politicide: the murder of any person or people by a government because of their politics or for political purposes.
Mass Murder: the indiscriminate killing of any person or people by a government.
Democide: The murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder.