I spent some time with an outback, New Hampshire, artist. He showed me his Depression II art made from artifacts from the 1st US Depression in America. He is making a statement, and his works are destined to end up, prominently displayed on walls mostly in New York City.
You can't explain history unless you spend a little time with it. I saw what had been dug up. I learned that native Chestnut trees are extinct, they are now hybrids and everything of a certain age can be determined, made of that wood. I learned about old ways of having factories, blacksmith shops, and other types of shops powered by water. They have a "dunghole", when wagons sit outside with horses waiting to be loaded, the horses do something. A shovel putting the horses' waste into a porthole into the side of a building, went down below. The next rain, or water running for power, would take the waste to the river. I saw where Oldsmobile made machine guns in World War II. I saw the plans, and the possible spot where the first American automobile was made.
I see that America needs a future.
[click here for a post about my mission]