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We Can Start To Overthrow Our Government This November!

Curt Day
Message Curt Day
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That is right, we can start to overthrow our government this November! How? We can dethrone it by voting out both the Republican and Democratic parties! Though we cannot vote out either part this election, it can be a start. Why vote out both parties? Considering our past, whenever we vote for either of the two main political parties, we act as what was described in Proverbs 26:11:

Like a dog that returns to its vomit Is a fool who repeats his folly.

Think about it. Either the Republicans or Democrats create a mess. The voters respond by voting in the other party. Then that party either maintains the mess or makes it worse. So the party that created the mess tells us that they have the solutions to our problems. And so we, like sheep, follow their voice and vote them in again. And this cycle continues on and on. Thus, the American voter becomes the fool who refuses to change and thus repeats his lunacy.

Why does the American voter restrict his or her choice to the Republicans and Democrats only? It isn't because of the ideas. I remember during the 2004 and 2008 election, I asked many of my liberal friends why they were voting for the Democratic presidential candidate when other candidates represented their views better. The answer was that a vote for a third party is a vote for the Republicans. Likewise, Republicans who would be better represented by a conservative 3rd party will still vote Republican because a vote for a third party is a vote for the Democrats. In other words, many of us no longer vote for whom we want, we vote against those whom we fear.

Others refuse to vote for third party candidates because they don't want to vote for a losing candidate. So while American voters pingpong between the Republican and Democratic parties, the lack of new approaches ensure that our problems will never be addressed. In addition, we see Americans, who employ one of these two approaches, sacrificing their voting independence in order to avoid something rather than to accomplish something. The payback for this kind of voting mentality is a government full of officials who take care of themselves rather than looking out for the people.

I promote voting for 3rd party candidates because we desperately need a nonviolent democratic overthrow of our government. We need that that because our elected officials no longer represent or serves us. Rather, they serve those who finance their campaigns. I am not speaking as a tea party member. Though I very much respect how they practice democracy, I cannot respect their ideas. The overthrow we need must be nonviolent at all costs. The use of violence only replaces one bad government with another and perpetuates a chain of abuse. But the overthrow must also be democratic. It must have the support of the majority of the people otherwise we will maintain the kind of government where officials serve others than the people.

So how do we vote out the Republicans and Democrats? If you are a conservative, you can vote for candidates from one of the following parties: the Constitutional Party, the American Conservative Party, or the Libertarian Party. If you are on the Left, you can vote for the Green Party or a Socialist Party. In addition, there are the occasional independent candidates to vote for.

Will candidates who are not from the 2 major parties win this November? It is highly unlikely. But, by voting for 3rd party or independent candidates that better represent you, you accomplish two things. First you hasten the day when neither the Republican nor the Democratic Party can take your vote for granted. For as long as we don't vote third party and for the candidates that best represent us, we will delay changing our government. The new pact that Republicans are proposing for America confirms that they are not interested in introducing change. The recent performance of the Obama administration shows the same from the other side. Second, if enough people vote third party or for independents, the two main parties will have to change to accommodate the voters who left them behind.

Change is just a vote away provided that the person voting has changed. The alternative to changing is to be the dog with the challenged taste in food.

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Curt Day is a religious flaming fundamentalist and a political extreme moderate. Curt's blogs are at http://flamingfundamentalist.blogspot.com/ and http://violenceorsurvival.blogspot.com/
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