As a matter of national survival we need an asymptotically-growing synergy around the idea of a post-Obama presidential troika with Rep. Dennis Kucinich in the role of president, Rep. Ron Paul as vice president and Mr. Lyndon LaRouche as senior advisor on science and economics. It is a perfect match on a multiplicity of political, meta-political and extra-political levels.
It is a solution that is obvious to me for the current political impasse but the solution needs to be obvious to millions of Americans beginning at the top with Kucinich, Paul and LaRouche.
The contradictions inherent in the opposing political philosophies (democracy, republic, oligarchy) of these three men are illusory in the present context assuming that patriotism is a shared value. We are in a national existential crisis facing an imminent social explosion (mass strike or chaos) followed by a dictatorship or vice versa.
The second phase of the financial collapse is nearing. The economy will take a huge second hit. Bailing out the too-big-to-fail banks and corporations is not an option this time around although it may well be implemented by a delusional and criminal ruling oligarchical faction determined to cling to power at all costs including their own self-destruction and the destruction of civilization as we know it.
The Presidency must be taken by 2012 or before. Mr. LaRouche believes that November 2012 will be too late. He is calling for immediate impeachment for violation of the War Powers Act or for removal from office under Section 4 of the 25th Amendment. Negotiations between the three principles towards the creation of a presidential troika must begin posthaste if they have not yet begun.