Poll Are 'Chemtrails' a form of Government suppression? A contrail is the expected exhaust excretion expelled from jet engines behind a plane. Different kinds of engines give different forms and durations, though a contrail is still generally expected to dissipate within a certain distance from the plane or within a few minutes or less of the aircraft's passage. There are many trails made by planes that leave much longer and more permanent lines, however, some of which expand outward to imitate cirrus clouds. Many scientists and skeptics argue that these are just forms of weather modification, put other scientific and civilian proponents of government conspiracy insist that these other exhaust patterns are 'chemtrails,' including a more sinister but unknowable chemical or biological agent for undisclosed reasons. How possible is this? Fairly possible, though not sure whyNot at all possibleVery possible, and the chemical is most likely sprayed for mind-control purposesVery possible, the chemical likely sprayed for to spread disease in certain populations 93 votes View Results and Comments Invite Your Friend(s) to Vote: Share This Poll You can publish this poll on your blog or website. To embed a poll, just copy the code from this "Embed" box. Once you've copied the code, just paste it into your website or blog to embed it. Embed: See What It Will Look Like <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.opednews.com/populum/poll_api.php?pid=94&layout=default"></script>