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Govt- Politics    H3'ed 8/20/08

Shall We Indict The Oil Profiteers And Nationalize All Necessities?

Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo
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Shall We Indict The Oil Profiteers And Nationalize All Necessities?


Shall We Indict The Oil Profiteers And Nationalize All Necessities?

Record Oil Prices? Never Again! Let's Instead Cap Them At $25 A Barrel, Recapture All The Profits Above That Price, And Return Them To Citizen Users Of Fuel For Their Receipts For The Last Seven Years!

Bush likes retroactive guarantees. I say Give him one, rebate retroactively all profits in a lump sum check to each citizen based on their use of fuel for the last seven years and then indict the oil profiteers and their enablers!

More than $224 billion dollars of illicit profits have been made from the fraudulent oil price increases. Drinking water is fast becoming unsafe and profiteers appear to know in advance the about poisoning of most sources of water. Is anyone left who is naïve’ enough to believe it is unintentional? The water bottlers have either been notified or quickly saw what dull witted others have missed. Certainly, we can see when the Bushites reject any efforts to purify and protect water supplies that there is no intent on their part to save our health or our lives.

Any private enterprise, which controls necessary services or products, should be non-profit and any attempts to corner water as they have cornered oil should be the targets of a capital crime investigation with all of the haste and importance of a murder, kidnapping or rape trial.

We should certainly abolish the private or public ownership of oil. Now, any move in any direction of privatization of life’s necessities can be seen both in the abstract as well as the practical, an act of avarice and perhaps murder, because people without the means will die if deprived. Wars have been fought over water rights in the past, even here in the west over which some of the so-called cattle wars were really over water and land. That needs to end. The world is now too small for Free Enterprise on any necessity. We need to rid society of the greedy people by any means available, convert them, jail them, or make them the targets of a capital crime.

We need to have a Capital Crime order placed on greed on AVARICE/Greed. The love of wealth is the root of all evil and all killing. I say make greed/avarice a capital crime; they are certainly more dangerous than one man killing one or several people. The actions of the greedy, affect millions, even, as in the case of WW II tens of millions. Greed is a crime as bad or worse than most of the current capital crimes. This so-called Iraq “war” is a perfect example of ignorance and greed, and of miserable people who support it, are as evil and insensitive as it is possible to be. Tell me when was the last time a billionaire was jailed for life, hung, electrocuted, shot or given a fatal injection or gassed?

There is room for Free Enterprise in America and the world, but neither has seen truly Free Enterprise in the last 98 years. There is no Free Enterprise right now; all major enterprises are based on connections, bribery, lobbying and collusion. However, there is no room for the brand of “FREE ENTERPRISE” practiced these last 150 years, especially not in the trade of those things, which are among of the necessities of life, Water, Fuel, Healthcare and basic foods.
FDR was the only president who made the issues of the Sermon on the Mount a reality for tens of millions of Americans. The time has come to end the treatment of our fellows as objects of profit. Twisting just a bit for effect, what Virgil Earp said about wearing guns in the city limits, to avarice, “No one has said you can’t have avarice in your heart, no one has even said you can’t carry avarice openly, we’re just saying you can’t practice avarice within the boundaries of a God Loving civilization. That’s all!”

Avarice, the display of it, the use of it, the indulgence or nurturing of it, war-making of it, the exploitation of people, land water air for it, the killing for it, the spreading of pesticides and herbicides and DU-238 for it, needs to be met with the death penalty for it. That, is what I am saying. The world has grown too small for billionaires and they need be reeducated, mentally reintroduced to the concept of we are all in this for our lifetimes and for that of the planet, and those who break the boundaries of modesty for avarice ought to be institutionalized, jailed, given the death penalty or simply be legally exterminated.

Free Enterprise can only be a reality when “Royal Families” are banned from Power in America. Those who work in government, when they retire should be given a decent pension on which to live and forbidden to work in any capacity in which they can [peddle their influence, whom they “know,” in government or industry for their lifetime. There is the only way to root out corruption at its core, to disarm influence peddlers forever from any contact in government as Lobbyists or influence peddlers and ban the existence of Lobbying firms under a Capital crime penalty for those who lobby and those who accept or benefit from those lobbying, forever. Let each vendor’s sales presentations be his or her sole means of selling anything to the government, ever.

It can only be a reality when politicians and CEO’s Compensation packages place them in the same economic range as those which are their clients and voters and which they have exploited. The world is now too small for billionaires and the wealth of those families should not be grandfathered in and should be confiscated except for an amount not to exceed $10 million dollars. The remainder of their wealth should be scattered to fund education and healthcare along with the taxes placed upon Outsourcing companies and jobs should not be placed anywhere but on the 48 contiguous state and Hawaii and Alaska, so that all of America’s children will have equity in what all of the parents have fought, died for or for they suffered economically or by poor health.

Shall we cap oil at $25.00 a barrel for all time, as we have done with other essential products?

As to my initial question and the title of the article, SHALL WE INDICT THE OIL PROFITEERS AS WE DID ENRON?
Let us discuss it in this way: I am asking if we should indict all of those who profiteered, the oil speculators which assisted in driving the price so high. The “investment” companies which jump-started and accelerated oil prices, the politicians who stood idly by raking in more than $209 million dollars on the oil and arms Boom, while citizens had to start digging into their savings just to get to work.

We have seen Oil and housing prices go out of reality and no one does anything about it. Even those among us who were not buyers of the WMD’s lies, who did not buy or build at the inflationary prices of housing, we still have to buy gasoline and fuel for our homes. Some, myself among them have moved to install geothermal which eliminated our fuel costs, but we still have electric and driving costs, although I am working on eliminating my electric costs by buying a small dynamo to create my own power, it is not a cost effective answer for most people. Therefore, many have lost their jobs and so many more have been reduced to near poverty going back and forth to their jobs. Last of all; because of oil prices, which are artificially high, costs of all goods have risen in accordance, and most of them have been padded with an artificial price increase. Therefore, we have all other goods elevated in price because of the artificial, fraudulent, gas and oil prices, and on top of that, many goods contain an artificial increase as well. A triple Whammy. We can end avarice forever by placing caps on income on executives and ban the sale for profit of any necessity, like fuel, water, and healthcare and jail those who even defend the right to be avaricious, the lowest crime on the books, which is now treated as some sort of divine gift. It is a gift ll right, a gift from Satan to those of his ilk. I say avarice which causes most of the world’s ills, 99% of the world’s crime, 99% of the deaths on the plant (from pesticide/herbicide, solvent, DU-235, oil prices, profits on water, healthcare, and more are lower crimes than rape or singular murders. I say remove the death penalty for those unless we add one for avarice.

It is not merely the price of oil or other goods, which stands at the root of the problem of how humans relate to each other regardless of religion, race or ethnicity. It is time to realize that human sexuality is not the issue, here, nor is religion, nor race, it is avarice/greed!

The current administration has spent $8.9 trillion dollars, $5.9 Billion of the Clinton Surplus, $3.6 Trillion of which had been earmarked by Paul O’Neil and Allen Greenspan for Social Security. It and the “war” were issues over which O’Neil left the administration and the rest of it of it on No-Bid Contracts and war goods, and a Pork-Barrel economy which benefited only a handful of major corporations including the stealing of more than $224 billion in severely inflated oil prices from the pockets of American citizens, who financed what is really a private oil war much like the Lincoln County Cattle war more than 100 years ago, in which the oil companies rather than hiring their own private army used our tax dollars and our armed forces. That is at least one of several arguments in favor of snatching the War Powers Act out of the hands of future presidents.

As far as the profiteering on materials and services vital to sustain life, it is no not only is no longer necessary, but in fact it is criminal, to endure private ownership and profiteering of any necessities. It ought to be abolished. It smacks of the Mad Max Road Warrior.

In fact, as direct premeditated murder is a capital crime so should avarice/greed instituted as a capital crime. As the world has shrunk, the notion of a small, self-appointed “Elite” is laughable, since they are not nearly the smartest or most wise men on the planet, but certainly the most corrupt.

Any private enterprise, which controls necessary services or products, should be non-profit and any attempts to corner water as they have cornered oil should be the targets of a capital crime investigation with all of the haste and importance of a murder or rape trial.

We should certainly abolish the private or public ownership of oil. Now any move in any direction of privatization is an act of murder because people without the means will die if deprived. Wars have been fought over water rights in the past, even here in the west over which some of the so-called cattle wars were really over water and land. That needs to end. The world is now too small for free enterprise on any necessity. We need to rid society of the greedy people. Convert them, jail them, or execute them.

We need to have a Capital Crime order placed on greed on AVARICE/Greed. The love of wealth is the root of all evil and all killing. I say make the indications of greed/avarice become a capital crime. It is a crime as bad or worse than most of the current capital crimes. This so-called war is a perfect example of ignorance and greed, and of miserable people who support it, are as evil and insensitive as it is possible to be. Tell me when was the last time a billionaire was hung, electrocuted, shot or given a fatal injection or gassed?

There is certainly room for Free Enterprise in America and the world, but neither has seen it in the last 98 years. There is no Free Enterprise right now; all major enterprises are based on connections, bribery and collusion. However, there is no room for “FREE ENTERPRISE” in the trade of those things, which are among of the necessities of life, Water, Fuel, Healthcare and basic foods.

Free Enterprise can only be a reality when “Royal Families” are banned from Power in America. Those who work in government, when they retire should be given a decent pension on which to live and forbidden to work in industry for their lifetime. There is the only way to root out corruption t ists core, to disarm influence peddlers forever from any contact in government as Lobbyists or influence peddlers and ban the existence of Lobbying firms under a Capital crime penalty for those who lobby and those who accept or benefit from those lobbying, forever. Let each vendor’s sales presentations be his or her sole means of selling anything to the government, ever.

It can only be a reality when politicians and CEO’s Compensation packages place them in the same economic range as those which are their clients and voters and which they have exploited. The world is now too small for billionaires and the wealth of those families should not be grandfathered in and should be confiscated except for an amount not to exceed $10 million dollars. The remainder of their wealth should be scattered to fund education and healthcare along with the taxes placed upon Outsourcing companies and jobs should not be placed anywhere but on the 48 contiguous state and Hawaii and Alaska, so that all of America’s children will have equity in what all of the parents have fought, died for or for they suffered economically or by poor health.

As to my initial question and the title of the article, Shall We Indict The Oil Profiteers As We Did Enron, Cap Oil Prices At $25 A Barrel, Place A Windfall Profits Tax On Oil And Return Every Penny Above $25 A Barrel To The Individual Citizens For Their Use Provable By Receipts For Their Expenditures In A Lump Sum For The Last Seven Years?
Let us discuss it in this way: I am asking if we should indict all of those who profiteered, the oil speculators which assisted in driving the price so high. The “investment” companies which jump-started and accelerated oil prices, the politicians who stood idly by raking in more than $209 million dollars on the oil and arms Boom, while citizens had to start digging into their savings just to get to work. We have seen Oil and housing prices go out of reality and no one does anything about it.

Even those among us who were not buyers of the WMD’s lies, who did not buy or build at the inflationary prices of housing, we still have to buy gasoline and fuel for our homes. Some, myself among them have moved to install geothermal which eliminated our fuel costs, but we still have electric and driving costs, although I am working on eliminating my electric costs by buying a small dynamo to create my own power, it is not a cost effective answer for most people. Therefore, many have lost their jobs and so many more have been reduced to near poverty going back and forth to their jobs. Last of all; because of oil prices, which are artificially high, costs of all goods have risen in accordance, and most of them have been padded with an artificial price increase. Therefore, we have all other goods elevated in price because of the artificial, fraudulent, gas and oil prices, and on top of that, many goods contain an artificial increase as well. A triple Whammy.

So, I ask once again:
Shall We Indict The Oil Profiteers As We Did Enron, Cap Oil Prices At $25 A Barrel, Place A Windfall Profits Tax On Oil And Return Every Penny Above $25 A Barrel To The Individual Citizens For Their Use Provable By Receipts For Their Expenditures In A Lump Sum For The Last Seven Years? Bush Likes Retroactive Guarantees. I Say Give Him One, Rebate Retroactively All Profits In A Lump Sum Check To Each Citizen Based On Their Use Of Fuel For The Last Seven Years.









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Professor Bagnolo has majored in: Cultural Anthropology, Architectural design, painting, creative writing. As a child prodigy, abed with polio for almost two years, he was offered an opportunity to skip three grades at age 8.
Later He was a (more...)
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