Poll What to do with CEOs and Execs who have received bailout bonuses? The NYT is reporting that corporate executives have profitted handsomely from the $700 billion taxpayer funded bailout. In fact an Associated Press study reveals that excutives have received $1.6 billion from the bailout.The question: what to do with these executive sleaze balls? Publicly behead them; perhaps, in Central ParkSend them to eastern Afghanistan without any weaponsSend them to Guantanamo Bay to be interrogatedCastrate them so the scumbags can't reproduceUse them as dart boards during lunch break 86 votes View Results and Comments Invite Your Friend(s) to Vote: Share This Poll You can publish this poll on your blog or website. To embed a poll, just copy the code from this "Embed" box. Once you've copied the code, just paste it into your website or blog to embed it. Embed: See What It Will Look Like <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.opednews.com/populum/poll_api.php?pid=280&layout=default"></script>