Copyrighted Image? DMCA | Back in 1970, a Yoga Master from the Himalayas named Swami Rama was invited by scientists at the Menninger Foundation to have his abilities clinically tested. He agreed, and the results created a bit of a media sensation. Reports of the work were documented in the World Book Science Annual 1974, the 1973 Encyclopedia Britannica Yearbook of Science, the Time-Life 1973 Nature Science Annual, and numerous other publications. Articles appeared in the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology (1970), New York Times Magazine (September 1971), Times Weekly (July 1972), Playboy (December 1972), Psychology Today (August 1974), and other popular journals such as Esquire (December 1972), Time (April 1973), Saturday Review (February 1975), and Prevention (June 1978). Recently, I emailed Prof. Noam Chomsky this excerpt from the co-chairpersons account of the tests to which he replied, "Thanks. Perplexing". |