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Genetically Modified Foods, Depopulation, and Prop. 37

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Joan Mootry
Message Joan Mootry
Research and studies demonstrate that Genetically Modified (GM) foods potentially serve two purposes, neither of which is to feed the starving masses or increase crop yield on a long-term basis. Instead, the purposes of GM foods appear to be those of a bad science-fiction nightmare: (1) Reduce the human population by poisoning the food supply, causing increases in cancer, inflammation, disease, organ failure and premature death. At the same time, using food to covertly render the population infertile. (2) Give a handful of elites and the companies they control complete control over the world's food supply.
As Henry Kissinger said, "If you control the oil you control the country; if you control the food, you control the population." Joseph Stalin agreed and is infamous for starving millions of people to death and submission.
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I am a retired artist who is passionate about learning and sharing the truth about corporate/government control of U.S. citizens, with an aim to protecting health, freedom, human rights, and the environment. I support a truly independent audit of (more...)
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