A video circulating of Russian President Vladimir Putin is a deepfake and has been machine-created to falsely add a voice, Reuters and Lead Stories report. Russia is continuing its invasion of Ukraine and peace negotiations have not yet made progress. Additionally, Crimea and other pro-separatist areas of Ukraine and former USSR countries remain disputed territories.
Mis- and Dis-information are rampant during the Russia-Ukraine war. Here's how to tell: Click Here.
Read the rest of the story HERE:
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Scott Baker is a Managing Editor & The Economics Editor at Opednews, and a former blogger for Huffington Post, Daily Kos, and Global Economic Intersection.
His anthology of updated Opednews articles "America is Not Broke" was published by Tayen Lane Publishing (March, 2015) and may be found here:
Scott is a former and current President of Common Ground-NY (http://commongroundnyc.org/), a Geoist/Georgist activist group. He has written dozens of (more...)