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Archives for Life, Arts, Weird, Biz, Heart, Spirit, Science, Tech,  People, Health,  Edu, Reviews, MP3s   Archived Nov 6, 2003

Get set for biggest sports dope scandal ever

Age, exercise may boost memory

Bruckheimer Tops Hollywood Power List

Microsoft Fixes Five 'Critical' Security Holes

New arms for orphan Ali

German Teaches Dog Adolf to Give Hitler Salute  has been charged with violating Germany's anti-Nazi laws for a series of incidents in recent years, a Berlin court said on Wednesday.


FDA Panel Backs End of Ban of Silicone Breast Implants


Chinese 'space hero' lands safely


Monkeys Control Robotic Arm With Brain Implants


Twins joined at head are separated


Prince gives up throne for love

A 91-year-old Texan bank robber admits to his third heist


Nasa tests laser-powered plane

Antibiotics may delay Alzheimer's

Vatican misleads third world countries: condoms don't stop Aids


The rich world's disappearing jobs
Instantaneous communications are making it possible for almost anybody's job to be done anywhere, which the United States in particular is beginning to learn to its sorrow.


Dalai Lama Asks West Not to Turn Buddhism Into a "Fashion"  For individual practitioners, having one truth, one religion, is very important. Several truths, several religions, is contradictory,"


Naval Sonar 'Linked to Whale Deaths'


Chinese First Manned space mission to orbit earth 14 times


Teenage generation is biggest ever


Japanese Hold 900 Person Orgy In China


Arnold's Seven Year Affair


Brazil Hunts Down Slave Masters in Lawless Interior


Two Developers of MRI Awarded Nobel Prize


"Bright" Rights, for Non-religious, non-denominational


"Shrek" author dead at 95 William Steig won awards for best-selling children's books


First Black Pope?


Magnolias Revisited? Frog Eggs Fall From Sky


Ball Busting Woman Charged With Murder; Man Dies After Wife Crushes Testicles (sorry, this title was irresistable RK editor)


Dark Parable of Violence Avenged Clint Eastwood's mighty new film is the rare American movie that aspires to -- and achieves -- the full weight and darkness of tragedy.


Tiger Attacks Magician Roy of Siegfried & Roy


Vibrating shoes could keep you on your feet, say doctors

European Cardinal Describes Pope as 'Dying'

Goodbye cruel world Lion numbers have dropped by 90% in 20 years. The other big cats are going fast.

Coetzee wins Nobel prize
Books: South African JM Coetzee has won the 2003 Nobel Prize for literature.


White House: Clinton's Penis Leaked CIA Operative's Identity

Dairy or Not, Here I Come  by Shalin G. Gala OpEdNews.Com 

Breast Implants Linked to Suicide

Joke: George Goes to Hell

Insurer Seeks Return of Fees for Therapy

Reliance on Microsoft called risk to U.S. security

Stress may double risk of breast cancer, study shows

Phone that says 'I can't talk, I'm not in the mood'

 Kazaa Suit Turns Tables on Industry

72 Year Old Canadian Runner Sets New World Record

NASA Accepts Resignations of Safety Advisers

Study: Cloned Cells Cure Brain Disease in Mice

Not Science Fiction: An Elevator to Space

Arthur Kinoy, 82, Lawyer for Chicago Seven, Dies

Golf Brain Abbie Thomas goes inside the golf brain to discover why golfers 'choke' under pressure. (see opednews.com editor's other websites www.brainmeeting.com and www.futurehealth.org on brain training)

Abominable Snowman 'a bear'

Revealing Letters From Reagan

China's Hippies Find Their Berkeley; Tibet

-Support OpEdNews With a Contribution. As of today, our pay is averaging ten cents an hour. We love this work, but love to eat and pay our mortgage and kids' college tuition too.

May Your Days Be Long and Stressful New scientific research offers evidence that the stress-free life might be the worst way to live.

500 UK pedophiles to be tracked by satellite tags  for the first time in a move that could prompt a revolution in the treatment and monitoring of sex offenders.

Virus Posing As Microsoft E - Mail Spreads Fast

Marathon monk completes 24,800-mile enlightenment run

Smoking Ban in All Public Places Urged In Europe Urged

Distinctly Big, if Extinct: The 1,500-Pound Rat No, its not a Republican. They're not yet extinct

A Light Show Beyond Lasers Think laser shows are old hat? A planetarium is creating a new kind of visual fantasy-- Moby creates music

Art Bell Returns to Radio; Weekend Host of Coast to Coast AM

Oversize portions linked to cancer Obesity and cancer experts call for a consumer revolt against supersize food portions and packaging.

-Support OpEdNews With a Contribution. As of today, our pay is averaging ten cents an hour. We love this work, but love to eat and pay our mortgage and kids' college tuition too.

Alone with the Man in Black Louisa Young: I went to do an interview with Johnny Cash - he so moved me that I gave up my job and became a novelist.

Sleep position 'tells personality'

Focusing the mind alternative approaches to ADD/ ADHD

Reward for Afghan Who Helped U.S. Root Out the Taliban

Interesting Word Brain Finding ....Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.

 The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Exercise Is a Habit; Here's Why to Pick It Up New York Times - A strikingly large number of Americans have failed to catch the exercise bug, and the effects are showing up not only in their expanding girth but also in their health and death statistics.

Brain beats all computers

Sinatra, Streisand named best singers of the century

Ozone hole 'bigger than it has ever been'

Scans Show Babies Smile and Cry In The Womb

Is Buddhism Good For  Your Health?

A cheap way to the stars
Space elevator idea described by Arthur C Clarke in a 1979 novel is no longer pure science fiction.

Obesity catching up with tobacco in number of deaths annually

Johnny Cash, American icon, dies

Man in Black Johnny Cash:

A "mind-numbingly boring" propaganda film
A 9/11 widow reviews last night's Showtime film about President Bush's actions on and after that fateful morning. The film "DC 9/11: Time of Crisis," which premiered Sunday night on Showtime, is a mind-numbingly boring, revisionist, two-hour-long wish list of how 9/11 might have gone if we had real leaders in the current administration.

Emmy-winning actor John Ritter dead at 54

Computer with 3-D Display Planned by Japan's Sharp

U.S. House votes to allow Cuban tourism

New Peach-Colored $20 Bills to Make Debut Oct. 9

Arnold's Other Questionable Magazine Interview

Bill Maher on HBO is a Brilliantly Funny, Must Watch. Last show featured Wesley Scott, William Crystal, Wolf Blitzer, D. H. Hughley and Al Franken It was great watching Bill and Wesley laugh at the Bush Faux GI Doll.

Pancho Villa TV Special Shows Brillant Use of Film as Spin, By Villa

-Support OpEdNews With a Contribution. As of today, our pay is averaging ten cents an hour. We love this work, but love to eat and pay our mortgage and kids' college tuition too.

FDA Approves New Birth-Control Pill A new birth-control pill named Seasonale promises to reduce the frequency of women's periods, from every month to four times a year.

One Dead in Disneyland Coaster Crash

Colleges Cut Students Off Net George Mason is one of many trying to keep viruses off internal networks.


Power of Positive Thinking May Have a Health Benefit, Study Says Researchers are reporting that the activation of brain regions associated with negative emotions appears to weaken people's immune response to a flu vaccine.

Lost In Translation; hot Fall Movie, by Sophia Copola, With Bill Murray

Actor Bronson dies at 81

Robert J. Sawyer's Hominids Wins 50th Hugo Awards for Best Science Fiction

'Human Stain' will kick off 39th Chicago International Film Festival

Explosion kills pizza delivery man ERIE, Pennsylvania -- A pizza delivery man told police he had been forced to rob a bank and asked authorities to help him minutes before a bomb strapped to his chest exploded and killed him.

'Punk' fish among 10 newfound species

The spoiling of Shangri-la
China: Tibet is modernising rapidly, thanks to booming China's billions, but at what cost to its unique culture?

A lesson from the blind man who is learning to see
Could we measure the impact of what living for 30 years under a tyranny does to one's perceptual habits?

Girls get extra school help while boys get Ritalin

Iraqi girlfriends capture GI hearts

Suburban Sprawl is cited as strong factor in obesity rate nowhere to walk, so they drive

$50m Da Vinci masterpiece stolen in an audacious raid on a Scottish castle.

Smiles Banned on Canadian Passports

10,000 mink released from farm cages Animal Liberation Front claims responsibility. Local Paper calls it EcoTerrorism

Pictures of Saddam in Hiding; A humorous Photoshop Contest

The Power of Story

Hendrix, Allman, King Ranked as Top Guitarists

For Sale: How King Shaped the Dream

Life-Extending Chemical Is Found in Certain Red Wines

Scientists Find Way to Stimulate Anti-Aging Enzyme Washington Post ...could speed the development of drugs to extend human life span and prevent a wide range of geriatric diseases.

Kobe Lawyer Slam Dunks Plea Talk Lawyer Says NBA Star Won't Plea Bargain, Hasn't Offered To Settle

Jefferson Home Reflects His Ideals

Scientists start work on thinking robot Scientists have been given the biggest ever grant to build a 'conscious robot'.

Why Mars Will be So Close to Earth in August

Fun Animation by Mark Fiore; Bush Action Figures

Obituary backs 'removal of Bush'

Review: 'A raging, hormone-crazed rollercoaster' Films about teens are nothing new. But Thirteen has a twist. It's written by one.

David Byrne's Alternate PowerPoint Universe David Byrne uses PowerPoint in the least likely of all applications: a medium for creative expression.

Why Humans and Their Fur Parted Ways

Walking After Spinal Injury

Alzheimer's surge predicted
An "epidemic of Alzheimer's" over the next few decades could be far worse than previously thought.

archived 9/19/03

First Icelandic Whale Ship Resumes Hunting

Coral Reefs Doomed, Study Says; Centuries of Overfishing Killing Ecosystems

Asthma drugs 'make condition worse'

Idi Amin cheats justice for the last time Guardian

Swami Keeps His Turban on in California Gubernatorial Race satire

Funny Editorial Cartoon on Bush Doll

Dubai plans 220 suites under the sea

Chinese Clone Rabbit-Human Embryo; Bugs Bunny, Look Out!

A Memorium for a Lady Jean Ann Lower July 30, 1953 to July 30, 2003

Denver to Vote on Stress Reduction

Human embryonic stem cell first

Tolkien trilogy director gets $20m to remake King Kong Peter Jackson will be paid $20m ( £12.4m) - the biggest director's fee in cinematic history - to remake King Kong, it was reported yesterday.

Creatine 'boosts brain power'

When the Brain Grabs a Tune and Won't Let Go

Fast Spreading Worm Attacks Microsoft Windows An Internet worm aimed at the Microsoft Windows operating system was rapidly spreading around the world today, infecting home users and company networks alike.

Degrees of Separation Are Likely More Than 6, Especially in E-Mail Age Researchers at Columbia University report the first large-scale experiment that supports the notion of "six degrees of separation."

Music Lessons Boost Verbal Memory Kids With Music Training Have Better Verbal Memory Skills

A Laboratory of Taste Barcelona, not Paris, is now the vanguard capital of Europe -- not least because of its wildly experimental cooking. And no one there is cooking more daringly and ingeniously than Ferran AdriÃ.

Believers in the lost Ark
Karen Armstrong: Treating myth as fact misunderstands the meaning of religion.

Formula One Car Racing drops Canada over tobacco ban

What's the next Thing after Community Theater? Community theater -- volunteer actors, directors and stagehands mounting a small-scale play for fun instead of profit -- is a long-standing tradition of the stage. Now, Richard Michaels Stefanik of Fairfax and Gloria Barltrop of Oakton are hoping to introduce a similar art form: community filmmaking.

NASA Watchdog Calls Columbia Decisions 'Shocking'

HRT doubles risk of breast cancer Doctors and women on hormone replacement therapies are being advised to review the use of treatments following powerful new evidence that they increase the risk of breast cancer.

The whispering windows  Britain's high street has taken a step closer to the dystopian future of science fiction movies, with shop window advertisements that talk to passing shoppers.

Pointless but fun? Flashmob phenomenon reaches UK At precisely 6.31 yesterday evening, Sofas UK in central London found itself at the cutting edge of internet culture.

The High Risks of Finding Sex on-Line

Swollen Orders Show Spam's Allure
A New Hampshire company appears to be grossing close to half a million dollars each month by spamming people with sales pitches for an herbal "male enhancement" product. The discovery may explain the intractability of junk e-mailers on the Internet

30-Year Mortgage Rates Up to 6.37% and refinancing down almost 60% since May peak. 50% of economic growth came from the housing market. If rates continue to climb, the bloom will be off the last of the economic roses.

Scientists Achieve Unexpected Success With Ebola Vaccine

First Horse Cloned

Father of tennis stars 'poisoned son's rival'

Who's so vain? SO, WHO'S SO VAIN? Betcha thought Carly Simon would never reveal who's the vain guy she was singing about in her 1972 hit "You're So Vain." Finally, for a price and a vow not to tell, she'll share her little secret with one person

Cause and Effect: Acne: A Visible Outbreak of Stress NY Times

Why downloading is music's saviour

Over the past 20 years, business has replaced government in the public mind as the chief perpetrator of doublespeak

Unmasking the Writers of the W.P.A. Created in 1935, the Federal Writers' Project gave rise to a generation of novelists, including John Cheever, Saul Bellow, Ralph Ellison and Zora Neale Hurston.

An alternative treatment for ADD, ADHD  

Movie Notes; Flicks to see and avoid


Forget the guru, now do riyaz with machines


Is Infidelity 'Natural' for Men? Study ignites fierce debate on origins of jealousy, lust, sexual attraction

Microsoft's Web Site Brought Down By Attack

DNA extractable from fingerprints  

The Ad Subtractors, Making a Difference mission: To stop advertisers from commandeering every last nook and cranny of American culture.  

US school for gay teens opens  

Entertainer Bob Hope dead at 100

Communicating by Brain Waves Teaching the gravely disabled to 'talk' by thought alone (research originally presented at Opednews.com editor Rob Kall's Winter Brain Meeting )


Sea Bisquit is A Winner; See it!!  

Advice to avoid Music Download copyright litigation; Experts sharing tips to help defend against file-sharing lawsuits

Diverging Estimates of the Costs of Spam Up to $20 Billion Worldwide


Researchers Report Psychology of Conservatives;

-Fear and aggression
-Dogmatism and intolerance of ambiguity
-Uncertainty avoidance
-Need for cognitive closure
-Terror management

Malaysia approves divorce by text message

Vending Machines Grow Up

Is she real? Virtual humans start to look and act as if they are alive

Mick at 60: A new age of aging? Don't set your watch by Mick Jagger's biological clock. The senior statesman of sin turns 60 today, and where once he defied the establishment, he now defies our popular image of aging.

'The Devil's Dictionary' Revisited

Time Mag:  50 Best Websites -- The Essentials

Tapping the Mood Gene Depression doesn't get the attention it deserves. But a study concerning the "Woody Allen gene" shows that the illness should be held in higher regard than what we give it.

Anger and the almighty Is it all right to get angry with God?

Sex.com Prevails in Domain Suit

Whales May Have Been More Plentifu

Researchers find way to improve musical performance

Summer Camp Counselors Charged with Promoting Fist Fights

Identity/Password  Thief Convicted of Putting Keystroke tracking Software on Kinkos Computers

Woman Killed by Antarctic Seal

'The Real World, Yellowstone': Wolves on View All the Time
By Jim Robbins Wolf biologists can now watch packs of wolves go about the full range of their lives, from hunting to raising pups to courtship rituals and sex.

Why Hospitals Overcharge the Uninsured

 Synthetic sex cells Some pioneering biologists are trying to grow eggs and sperm in the lab. In doing so, they're entering a technical and ethical minefield.

The Gorge-Yourself Environment
From giant sodas to supersize burgers to all-you-can-eat buffets, America's approach to food can be summed up by one word: Big.

'Romance Novels,' She Said Adoringly Fans, writers and industry professionals were at the Hilton New York last week for Romance Writers of America's 23rd annual national conference.

'Brain atlas' maps out how the human mind works

On patrol: 30,000 cybercops

The Pentagons best kept open secret Privately held, 40k employee firm heads Gov's science efforts.

Stand-off over 'inhumane' capture of 200 dolphins

First human tongue transplant a success

Schools of the future To meet a young person's dream to contribute to the world, students have to learn skills that enable them to fulfil their ideals. ODE

 Adult ADD: Common disorder or marketing ploy?  Critics say ad campaign on condition raises ethical questions

Five women confront a new Iraq Caught between the forces of renewal and revolt, these women seize the moment.  

Idi Amin in 'coma'

U.S. Approves Test to Help Predict Heart Risk

Psychic link to Lockerbie bomb probe; Freedom of Information docs reveal CIA used Stargate Remote Viewing Program

Another WMD Page Joke.

Yes, we'll have no bananas - The banana is about to disappear from store shelves around the globe. Experts say the world's favourite fruit will pass into oblivion within a decade. No more fresh bananas. No more banana bread...

Kobe Bryant Sex Yes, but Denies Sexual Assault Charge

Pill to treat compulsive shoppers?

French Gov Bans Word 'Email"

Humor: The Do Not Spam Registry LOL!

You can't see it on the net, but there's an interview with opednews.com editor Rob Kall in the July 22 issue of Women's World. Article is Titled: Program yourself for Happiness! on page 26

Brain Size Linked to Autism The brains of many autistic children are smaller than normal at birth and then grow at an abnormally fast rate during the first year -  finding could lead to clues to the cause of disorder.


'Wave UFO', offers an immersive experience that brings together architecture, real-time computer graphics, brainwave technology, sound, and state-of-the-art engineering to create a profound interactive experience.

Murdoch's Extended Reach By Jeffrey Chester

Training the Brain to Improve Attention and Memory

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Teenagers Facing Hard Competition for Summer Jobs

The percentage of teenagers with summer jobs is at its lowest in 55 years, and the unemployment rate is at its highest in a decade.

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