The article says that is because this government has shifted money to help the democratically elected government of Pakistan to fight a common foe.
The article says that the "National Security Council spokesman Gordon Johndroe said the move was made to aid the new Pakistan government, which "faces difficult fiscal circumstances, in part due to rising food and energy prices, and needs this assistance from the United States."-
Upon reading this, I had to read this again because the article seems to be talking about this country--especially when speaking of difficult fiscal circumstances, in part due to rising food and energy prices. What comes to mind when this article mentions the aging aircraft is the aging citizens of this country. What about them, their bills and their welfare? Don't they need the assistance from this country too? When the article mentions that the new Pakistan government which "faces difficult fiscal circumstances, in part due to rising food and energy prices, and needs this assistance from the United States." Again I ask about the rising food and energy prices in this country that is causing hardships in this country, especially for the poor who are always in need. It seems that the poor are always facing difficult fiscal circumstances; don't they need more assistance from this country? The poor and elderly are living, breathing human beings who are in need, some of whom have reached a ripe old age.
I feel that the money could have been put to far better use in this country. For instance how many people did not eat today because they could not afford to, did not go to the doctor today because they could not afford to, could not pay their bills because they could not afford to, could not put gas in their cars because they could not afford to? The people I speak of are people in this country. It's the people right here who belong here and who are citizens of this country. The people who need a job, who need housing could use some of that $230 million dollars. And those from the ravaged area of Hurricane Katrina could still use some help. Remember that $85 million dollar give away? But our government is deciding to do what they call shifting $230 million to repair the Pakistan fighter jets!
Where has America gone! Where has the greatness of America gone? Being a humanitarian to me means taking care of your own first.