Guest Blogged by John Gideon of
Today I listened to, and watched, a hearing, on-line, from Washington DC in which the DC Council heard testimony regarding the recent failures in the district's primary election where there were thousands of phantom votes from one precinct and even after those were discovered and cleaned-up the final numbers still do not add up. The two council members who asked questions in the morning, Council members Mary Cheh and David Catania, were extremely well prepared and concerned especially when taking sworn testimony from Michelle Shafer and Ed Smith, both VPs of Sequoia Voting Systems and other Sequoia representatives. Soon after one representative tried to claim that the problem found in DC was unique, the result of pollworker mistakes, and that no votes had ever been lost on Sequoia machines Mr. Catania began asking questions about past problems that are very much like the problems that happened in DC and that may have resulted in lost votes. There were, of course, claims of mistakes in the media and misunderstanding of the facts from Sequoia. Further testimony was taken from computer scientists who also had concerns about the Sequoia product and testimony. Our featured article discusses this hearing in more detail. I will include a link to an archive of the hearing if/when it becomes available. And, watch for more articles from Washington DC about the hearing and the fall-out from the hearing....
Featured - Washington DC - Cheh Opens Council Hearing on Election Problems LINK
National: Sequoia Op-Scan Ballot Counters Fail to Count Same Way Twice LINK
National: EAC Commissioners Confirmed by U.S. Senate LINK
National: A Petition to Ask the Presidential Candidate About Weekend Voting at the Next Debate LINK
National: Does Your Vote Count? It Depends On Who's Counting Your Votes LINK
National: Voters Being Purged on a Massive Scale. CBS Takes Notice. You Should Too. LINK
National: Urgent Call to Action! Contact Obama Campaign and DNC, Demand Action to Stop Illegal Voter Purges LINK
AZ: Arizona Voters Could be Targeted for ID Theft During Election Season LINK
CA: Alameda County - AC Transit Joins Effort to Increase Voter Registration LINK
CA: Want to skip polls and post office?
Vote by Mail ballots can be deposited at 60 spots across Riverside County LINK
CO: Counting days and concerns until election LINK
FL: Mass e-mail rumors befuddle voters
From what you can wear to what you can show at the polls, false voting rumors are zipping about the Internet and pouring in across Florida. LINK
GA: Surprise: You're off the voter list LINK
IL: Scramble on to fix 'misleading' ballot
Could cost state $2 million or more LINK
IL: An Update From The Con-Con Hearing LINK
IN: Lake County - Lack of oversight blamed for fraudulent voter registration applications LINK
IN: Lake County - Curley displays memory lapse over voting issue LINK
IN: Marion County - Democrats fear GOP will turn away foreclosed voters
GOP won't rule out using residency change to challenge a ballot LINK
MT: Army Reservist Included in Montana GOP Voter Purge Effort LINK
MT: University of Montana students protest GOP challenge of voter registrations LINK
MT: Project Vote Blasts GOP Attack on Montana Voters LINK
MT: GOP Challenges 6,000 Montana Voters...Because They Moved Last Year LINK
NJ: One man, one voting machine LINK
OH: Butler County - County expects 35K absentee ballot applications
Board of elections unveils new office. LINK
PA: Monroe County - Editorial - Lawsuit won't help voters LINK
RI: State Supreme Court orders recount in disputed West Warwick primary race between Michael Pinga and state Sen. Stephen D. Alves LINK
SD: Forum set to answer questions about upcoming election LINK
TX: Election panel: Odds of e-voting fraud low
But one dissenting member says voting machines make fraud more likely. LINK
TX: Lubbock County - Highly Anticipated Election Fuels Record Number of Voters To Register LINK
TX: Tom Green County - Hordes register locally to vote LINK
VA: Columnist - Increased voter applications raise fraud fears LINK
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or OpEdNews.Com**