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Crooked Hillary

By       (Page 1 of 3 pages)   5 comments
Message Kathy Malloy
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Reprinted from Mike Malloy Website

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
(Image by Gage Skidmore)
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Because of dueling tragedies in Orlando, the Egypt Air black box, and the gun violence filibuster, the Clinton FBI investigation has taken a back burner. But Julian Assange has hinted at a mass document dump that will eliminate any doubt over her wrongdoing as Secretary of State.

Truthdig has more:

"WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says his organization's upcoming leak of more Hillary Clinton emails should be enough to indict her -- but doubts the FBI will do so.

"As the presidential race heats up, there has been increased attention on the FBI investigation into Clinton's emails as Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has begun to use the scandal as an offensive strategy against his Democratic opponent. Clinton isunder investigation by the FBI because of her reliance on a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state, breaking multiple department rules on cybersecurity.

"WikiLeaks, an organization created to publish classified information, made major waves in March when it published a searchable archive of Clinton's emails. Now, Assange is promising another leak of emails that he believes could serve as sufficient evidence for the FBI to indict her. Speaking via video in an interview on Britain's ITV network, he noted that WikiLeaks 'had a very big year ahead.'

"'We have upcoming leaks in relation to Hillary Clinton,' he said. 'We've accumulated a lot of material about Hillary Clinton. We could proceed to an indictment.'

"Assange said, however, that in his opinion, the FBI would choose not to indict her in hopes of gaining favor with a Clinton administration. 'The FBI could push for concessions from the new Clinton government,' he said. But, he added, 'there's very strong material, both in the emails and in relation to the Clinton Foundation.'

"As The Guardian notes, Assange has long been a critic of Clinton's politics. He once said that 'she has a long history of being a liberal war hawk,' and last week he even accused Google of manipulating search suggestions to help her campaign."

Watch the full interview here.

No indictment? The Observer has something to say about that:

"President Obama endorsed Hillary Clinton as their party's nominee for 2016. While this, too, was a formality, since Mr. Obama was eventually going to endorse her -- no matter how much bad blood lingers between them from the 2008 race -- it was satisfying to her supporters, if perhaps overdue.

"Obama's praise was salve on the wounds Clinton recently suffered at the hands of the State Department over EmailGate. The long-awaited report by the Office of the Inspector General at Foggy Bottom can be fairly termed scathing and, as I assessed in this column, it leaves no doubt that Hillary Clinton systematically dodged a raft of laws and regulations on the keeping of Federal records and the handling of classified information.

"Worse, the IG report leaves no doubt that Clinton has lied profligately about EmailGate from the moment the scandal broke over a year ago. Since the State Department, which Clinton headed during President Obama's first term, cannot plausibly be painted as part of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy that Team Clinton sees lurking behind every piece of bad press, this report caused real damage to Hillary's presidential campaign.

"True to form, she began punching back herself and through surrogates. Their main talking point -- that EmailGate remains a nothing-burger, a figment of the overheated FoxNews imagination more than a bona fide story -- continues to be peddled daily. As she confidently said to the cameras last week, there's "zero chance" she will be indicted over EmailGate, no matter what the FBI finds in its still-active investigation of the matter.

"Make no mistake, there are more than a few senior intelligence officials who are livid about Hillary Clinton's willful disregard of clearly defined laws.

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Kathy never expected a career in radio as a talk show producer. Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Kathy was completing her nursing degree when in 2001 - in an emergency - she was asked to fill in as the producer of Mike's program. Within a few (more...)
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