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Future- In-The -- Past. Praise Hitler, Y2012

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Mark Sashine
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A friend of mine from my former country the Ukraine had warned me that it is inappropriate now to badmouth Hitler in Ukraine, whether in the media or on Social networks. Praising Hitler is OK, cursing him can lead to undesirable consequences.

That's nothing personal; just a reality.  The official story is that it is a will of the people; no governmental decrees or official policies exists on that issue.  When it comes to the epitome of democracy, Hillary Clinton-style, such phenomena can be attributed to the diversity of opinions, nothing more. Ukrainian nationalism is the prevailing ideology now in the "democratic" Ukraine and the perpetrators of the nationalistic insurgency during the 1940s-1950s are now proclaimed the legendary heroes; streets are named after them and monuments are erected in their honor. Officially they are considered not the collaborators with the Nazis (as they were) but an independent force, dedicated to the eternal struggle for the Ukrainian freedom against godless Bolsheviks. Hitler is now treated as their ally in that struggle and as such- a controversial but friendly figure in the revised Ukrainian history. There is no monument to him yet but that may happen after he becomes a honorary Ukrainian. I am pretty sure that Hillary Clinton or Condi Rice, whoever will be a US Secretary of State by that time will lay a wreath at his feet. It is just a matter of time.


The phenomena is by no means unique. The revival of the former nationalist and Nazi collaborators under the premise of the struggle against the Russians is on the rapid rise through Baltics and Eastern Europe. From Salashists in Hungary to Slovakian legions, from Ustashi in Croatia to Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian SS -formations- all over the the region the old symbols are revived, the so called veteran unions march out on the streets and, banners float from coast to coast and Nazi or pro-Nazi insignia is openly legit.  Former concentration camps are pronounced to be rehab facilities and the only military struggle listed is against the Soviet Army. Those movements are intense, highly organized and politically savvy; judging from the level of the organized effort it is pretty obvious that they are richly funded and supported by some sources from the West, especially when they claim their allegiance to the Western Democracy and plurality of opinions. Turned out that the only country in the region which still strictly follows the Nuremberg protocols is Byelorussia, the one called by Hillary Clinton the last remaining dictatorship in Europe and viciously boycotted by the so-called "free world."

There, in Byelorussia, they still remember what Hitler had devised for them and they still remember children hanged and people burned alive.  There they still honor Russia as their savior and celebrate May 9th as a holiday.  We here don't.


It would be educational to consider how the Western democracies react to the events above.  I don't want to insult the Catholic Church but the way they treat it can be only called a "Jesuit maneuver." On one side those   revived movements are not only funded from the West but they are instigated as the tools against Russia and Russian people.  As one German specialist (frequently published on OEN) remarked, "[The] West is not interested in reviving the friendly relationships between Russia and Ukraine."  On the other side, those nationalists are the descendants of the genocidal murderers and our "loving westerners" don't want to feel embarrassed. So they had adopted the best possible strategy - "see no evil, hear no evil, know no evil."  They absolutely never criticize those Mini- Me's of them; instead they promote them as diverse trends of new democracies which although sometimes seeming extreme, are good in heart. At the same time in the West, especially in Germany a coordinated permanent campaign is unleashed to covertly rehabilitate Hitler. Several aspect of this campaign deserve to be outlined:


1.Absolute ignoring of the Russian role in WWII- from promoting of the similarity between Stalin and Hitler to total disregard of all pre-1991 Russian and Eastern Block literature on the subject.  Russian experience in the fight and defeat of fascism, communist contribution - all is absolutely and deliberately ignored.


2.Deliberate disregard of all historical and relevant historic fiction literature dedicated to the Nazi period if that one was published by the left-wing writers, scientists or historians whether before or after the WWII. This includes an absolute nonsense-writing off the whole antifascist literature of the former German Democratic Republic.


3. Deliberate and vicious slander of the greatest German and other authors as soon as those somehow were socialist sympathizers. This includes such great names as Hans Fallada, Berthold Brecht, Carl Von Ocetski, Anna Zegers, Lyons Feichtwanger and many others, also reasonably modern names as Gunther Walraff and Berngt Engelmann. They are just forgotten.


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The writer is 67 years old, semi- retired engineer, PhD, PE. I write fiction on a regular basis and I am also 10 years on OEN.

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