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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 2/13/11

Hold the Celebration: Egypt's Struggle Just Began

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Stephen Lendman
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Hold the Celebration: Egypt's Struggle Just Began - by Stephen Lendman

Hopefully beneath celebratory euphoria, Egyptians know ousting Mubarak was simple, especially since Washington long wanted him out. Covertly with Egypt's military, it facilitated long-planned regime purging for with new faces under old policies. In other words, have everything change but stay the same, a common imperial bait and switch con.

As a result, the real liberating struggle continues against long odds for success because Washington, Egypt's military, Israel, Western powers, and big money will do everything to prevent it. The usual scheme was hatched - a facade of change that may or may not work, and will be months, maybe years, to know.

For now, however, Al Jazeera headlined, "Post-Mubarak era dawns on Egypt....just four weeks after Tunisians toppled their....ruler." Or did they? Their struggle also continues against comparable long odds. People throughout the region face them against powerful dark forces, representing imperial/monied interests, not theirs.

Al Jazeera, however, reported:

"Egyptians have woken to a new dawn after 30 years of rule under Hosni Mubarak." All night celebration preceded it. "Fireworks lit the night sky, cars honed under swathes of read, white and black Egyptian flags and people hoisted children above their heads. Some took souvenir pictures with smiling soldiers atop their tanks city streets," unaware that military commanders are enemies, not allies, a reality they'll confront ahead and should prepare.

For now, opposition figure Ayman Nour called February 11 "the greatest day in Egyptian history. This nation has been born again. These people have been born again, and this is a new Egypt."

Al Jazeera correspondents said street euphoria was "indescribable," "an explosion of emotion," quoting one pro-democracy campaigner, Dina Magdi, saying: 

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