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Holocaust Denial and Holocaust PTSD

By       (Page 1 of 13 pages)   9 comments
Message Rachel Alebev

"One cannot and must not try to erase the past merely because it does not fit the present." Golda Meir

Holocaust Deniers

The following informed opinion essay will explore the origins of the holocaust denial propaganda movement that seeks to deny the reality of the Nazi regime's systematic mass murder of six million Jews in Europe during World War II.


The roots of holocaust denial can be found in the bureaucratic language of the Nazi policy: "The Final Solution to the Jewish Question."  


After the war, former Nazis and Nazi sympathizers dismissed the overwhelming proof of the Holocaust established at the Nuremberg war crimes trials -- displaying their ignorance as coldly as they herded the men, women, and children into cattle cars to die in the "extermination camps."


In 1979 an organized propaganda movement, holocaust "revisionism" began when Willis Carto, founder of Liberty Lobby, the largest anti-Jewish anti-Semitic propaganda organization in the United States, incorporated the Institute for Historical Review.


The Institute for Historical Review (IHR) is a pseudo-academic enterprise and website where professors with no credentials in history expound historical revisionism.


Historical Revisionism, (pioneered by Harry Elmer Barnes, Taylor Charles Tansill, Paul Rassinier and William H. Chamberlin) strives, in the words of Harry Elmer Barnes, to "bring history into accord with the key facts. In this case it would be IHR's version of the facts of Nazism, the genocide of Jews and other peoples during World War II ." [1]


Dr. Arthur Butz of Northwestern University, Roger Garaudy, Robert Faurisson, and David Irving are the resident deniers and contributors to IHR.


Who publishes this defaming nonsense? Mark Weber is the executive editor, publisher and site architect of http://www.ihr.org. [2]

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Rachel was born in Israel in 1957 and served in the Israeli army during Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon. She was promoted to Major after the war. She studied at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem and U.C.L.A in Los Angeles. Rachel has taught at (more...)
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Holocaust Denial and Holocaust PTSD

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