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President Obama: Meet Citizen Bob Who Answered Your Call!

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Linda Milazzo
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President Barack Obama of the Capitol of Washington, it is my most sincere honor to introduce you to Citizen Bob Alexander of the State of Washington, who by the standards you have set to 'give our all' has valiantly answered your call. In fact, Citizen Bob answered that call long before you were President. He seized his responsibilities gladly, not grudgingly, just as you asked at your inauguration. And now President Obama, Citizen Bob and millions more, would like you to hear THEIR call.

Before I tell you more about Citizen Bob, allow me to remind you of a few of the inspirational words you delivered at your inauguration. Here they are in a 31 second clip:


Dare say, Mr. President, I agree with you completely. And fortunately for you, and for this country, so do Citizen Bob and millions more who are taking on difficult tasks just like we did before we made you President. The only difference is that under the previous administration our patriotism and dedication were viewed as disloyal, and our hard work was deemed unAmerican, even though we volunteered our days, our nights, and in many cases our lives to upholding our Constitution. We took no verbal oath but we acted as though we had. You see, for millions of us, our country is so beloved that we ask no pay or elected office to act on her behalf. We love her THAT much. It was daunting to protect her from her enemies for the past eight years because her primary enemy was her President, George W. Bush. He stole her dignity, plundered her resources, and slew her human treasure. And now that he's gone, it's time to bring him to justice. In truth, President Obama, if you don't pursue Mr. Bush for his crimes, we will question your love of your country and your devotion to its laws. Remember what you said in your inauguration as shown in the video above:

"What's required of us now is a new era of responsibility; a recognition on the part of every American that we have duties to ourselves, our nation and the world. Duties that we do not grudgingly accept but rather seize gladly, firm in the knowledge that there's nothing so satisfying to the spirit, so defining of our character than giving our all to a difficult task. This is the price and the promise of citizenship."

Yes, President Obama, just as you this to us, we say it back to you. If ordinary people can do extraordinary things, surely you can, too. The difference is yours won't be as extraordinary because you have the tools to prosecute Bush - including the will of the people and the HOPE of the world.

Read the words of Citizen Bob, who exemplifies your example of citizenship. Citizen Bob is a regular guy with a small online coffee company who has dedicated his life to bringing George Bush to justice. Bob's efforts on behalf of America are selfless and heroic. Here is Bob's story in his own words:

Last July, I read Vince Bugliosi's "The Prosecution of George W. Bush For Murder." After years of thinking that Bush, Cheney, and Rice would walk away from their crimes, here at last was hope that something could be done to help right their horrible wrongs. Bugliosi clearly establishes the case that after Bush leaves office any District Attorney can prosecute Bush for murder if a member of the military from his or her own county had been killed in Iraq.
After reading Mr. Bugliosi's book, I changed my SuperBeans [online coffee company] home page to read:

"In lieu of buying coffee this month, please consider picking up a copy of Vincent Bugliosi's new book instead. When you're finished reading the book, mail your copy to your State Attorney, or to your county District Attorney. Or better yet, deliver the book in person."

My wife Arminda and I met Mr. Bugliosi when he came to Seattle to promote his book. We became more committed than ever to get "The Prosecution of George W. Bush For Murder" in front of as many eyes as possible. A friend of ours, Jude Morford of the organization womanstanding, called and asked if I would go with her to deliver a copy to our District Attorney. Then I had an idea. Let's send this book, written by America's preeminent prosecutor to every District Attorney in the country. Clearly another attorney would grasp the case Bugliosi laid out and hopefully take action. So we set up prosecutegeorgebush.com to bring George Bush to justice.

President Obama, in the event you haven't heard, Vince Bugliosi's book has been praised by eminent attorneys nationwide. According to Lawrence Velvel, the Dean of Massachusetts School of Law, who convened a weekend symposium in September '08 on the war-crimes and prosecution of George W. Bush, which Mr. Bugliosi attended:

"Vincent Bugliosi has written a very serious book on a very serious subject. For the first time, the need to use state murder statutes to punish presidential murder has now arisen, lest Bush and company get away with serious crimes. Bugliosi understands this."

Bugliosi's case against George W. Bush differs from the war-crimes case under discussion by Constitutional scholars in that the war-crimes case centers on torture and illegal wiretapping and Bugliosi's case deals with traditional murder in which Bush, like any other murder defendant, would stand trial in an American court and if convicted could face the death penalty or life in prison. It is Bugliosi's belief that no citizen is above the law and that the American criminal court is suitable to try Bush once he's out of office. Undoubtedly, if there's any American prosecutor able to craft a murder case against George Bush, it's former Los Angeles prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi, who first gained fame for trying the notorious Charles Manson Tate-LaBianca murder case in 1970 and '71. In that case Bugliosi won first degree murder convictions for all defendants, including Manson who wasn't present at any of the crimes. Bugliosi was so consummate in his prosecution that Manson was charged with first degree murder for crimes he hadn't physically committed. Bugliosi's passionate genius, mastery of the law, and fearlessness in the face of Manson family threats, enabled him to prevail in the prosecution, much like his genius and fearlessness would compel him to prevail in this case he has crafted against George Bush.

One would be hard put to find a law professional of any acclaim who would dispute the prosecutor credentials of Vincent Bugliosi. In the words of famed defense attorney F. Lee Bailey, Vince is "the quintessential prosecutor." According to Harvard Law Professor, Alan Dershowitz, Vince is "as good a prosecutor as there ever was." As told to me for a previous article by Elizabeth De La Vega, veteran Justice Department attorney who served under Presidents Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and Bush II, and author of the New York Times Best seller, "United States v. George W. Bush et al."
"Vincent Bugliosi is a consummate prosecutor who has now put together yet another compelling case. His is a cry for justice on behalf of the thousands upon thousands of people who have suffered irreparable harm -- and the many of who have died -- as a result of the criminal conduct of the President of the United States. This passionate and powerful brief should not be ignored."
As shared with me by Constitutional lawyer, author and former president of the ACLU OF Southern California, Stephen Rohde in that same previous article:
"At a time when the Democratic leadership has utterly failed to pursue the remedy of impeachment provided by the founders in the Constitution, Bugliosi's innovative challenge to indict Bush for murder should be pursued by attorneys general in every state where men and women have died due to Bush's criminal acts. This Nation cannot allow Bush to leave office and live out his days being paid huge fees to give speeches and serve on corporate boards instead of being tried for the deaths and injuries he has caused. Whether he is forced to stand trial for murder or for war crimes and crimes against humanity, George W. Bush must be held accountable."

These are solid endorsements from serious professionals who don't offer compliments lightly.

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Linda Milazzo was a Managing Editor of Opednews until Fall 2014, and a Los Angeles based writer, educator and activist. Since 1974, she has divided her time between the entertainment industry, government organizations, community development (more...)

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