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Phyllis Schlafly's career as a NeoCon

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Melinda Pillsbury-Foster
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Instead of bickering over where we should never have gone, lets talk about directional change that actually takes us to freedom.

Both the Left and Right have recently had the uncomfortable experience of discovering that their various icons possessed feet of clay - worse, had been employed by the NeoConservatives. My liberal friends wince when I mention Hillary. I cringe when other names are raised.

It happened. All of us have been gulled not once but many times. Those operating the sock puppets have something in common. Left or Right, NeoCon or other ...ism, they are mostly working for corporations. Prominent among them are the self identified NeoCons. The NeoCons are a good example of the species.

Here is who the NeoCons are. It is not a large group. The NeoCons are the professional cadre, meaning they are compensated, who have provided the misdirection and chaff that kept Americans from seeing what was happening before their very eyes. They are in the media, policy, and write books that are intended to keep us in the frame most useful to their employers.

You know who a few of them are now. You do not understand how long they have been at this because you were not around. But your perception does not alter the reality. I have had the experience more times than I would have wanted of having to reconsider my trusts and assumptions.

Phyllis Schlafly is a good example of this. Look at Schlafly's site and her issues. Then consider the history of the freedom movement for the last 40 years. Do you really mean to tell women that they do not have the same rights as men? If so just fold up your tent and go away. You have decided that you are going to lose. The direction for humanity to towards freedom, not slavery. Servitude comes in many forms but all forms use the tool of government to eliminate choices, truncating our right to decide for ourselves.

If you are a proponent of freedom and understand Austrian School Economics then consider what those values mean. That is simple. You have the right to determine your own destiny. Rights don't give you control over anyone but yourself. That is axiomatic.

Therefore children do not have a 'right' to a family made up of a mother and father. You get what nature and events deliver to you. This assertion makes no more sense than saying you have a right to be pretty instead of ugly. It is like deciding your DNA should be rearranged and getting Congress to pass a law. In Phyllis's world children have a right to a Mom and Dad, evidently issued by the State, but no right to free speech.

Rights are simple. You have a right to life, liberty and to pursue your own happiness. Nothing more and nothing demanded, coerced or forced fro someone else.

Schlafly's site is full of inane arguments that lead to fascist outcomes. The only sovereignty we need to worry about is that invested in each of us. Schlafly invests that in the State. She is therefore a centrist, a fascist.

You may find her emotionally satisfying because you have a secret hankering to use force to get your way. Or you may be emotionally and culturally invested in the status quo so you can't see what freedom means. You can learn. If not, join another movement.

Schlafly's job was to maintain a presence in the movement while ensuring that women were persuaded to see the Freedom Movement as hostile to their attempts to assert their inherent rights. She has been a lot more effective than Karl Rove. No one has any illusions about Rove now.

This is what happened.

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Melinda Pillsbury-Foster is the author of GREED: The NeoConning of America and A Tour of Old Yosemite. The former is a novel about the lives of the NeoCons with a strong autobiographical component. The latter is a non-fiction book about her father (more...)
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