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Everybody ona Move

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Rady Ananda
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Everybody, let's move
Everybody ona Move
Everybody, let's move
Everybody ona Move

Hey don't stop
Hey don't quit

Everybody ona Move
Everybody, let's move!

See Below if you want to do more than just vote on Election Day.
Lyrics by Michael Franti & Spearhead, "Everybody Ona Move" on Yell Fire, 2006

Suggested Videos:
"Hacking Democracy," will be presented exclusively on HBO on November 2nd. This film exposes gaping holes in the security of America 's electronic voting system. Showing Nov. 2 thru Nov. 26 on HBO and HBO2. Confirm local listings for your area.

From American Freedom to Fascism, free for a limited time at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4312730277175242198&hl=en

Stealing America Vote by Vote by Dorothy Fadiman and Concentric Media, www.stealingamerica.org

Why We Fight, Eugene Jarecki, 2005 at http://www.sonyclassics.com/whywefight/

The Corporation, 2005 Zeitgeist Films, http://www.thecorporation.com/

Four video segments from the recent Columbus Seize the Polls Voting Rights Revival have been posted to the web. http://freepress.org/vrrc/videos.php The gal in the patriotic hat is yours truly, in the No Sleepover skit. A review of this and Cleveland's conference, with photos, is uploaded to http://tinyurl.com/y5larx

Organizing Efforts for the 06 Midterm Elections (Ohio & National)
Election Protection
People for the American Way (PFAW) developed Election Protection 365, which is a non-partisan effort to protect voter rights. They conduct year-round and election season activities to assist African American, Hispanic, and other underrepresented communities who want their right to vote protected. Target states include Ohio, Florida, New Jersey, Arizona, and Pennsylvania.

Michele Lawrence Jawando, Election Protection Legal Outreach National Coordinator and Staff Attorney, flew in from Washington, D.C. to rally the troops for their important work. Her contact information, for those interested in volunteering nationally, is: mlawrence@pfaw.org; 202-467-2368 (office); 202-391-7642 (cell).

Shaun Tucker, African American Outreach State Coordinator for Ohio, for those interested in volunteering in Ohio , can be reached at, stucker@pfaw.org; 614-560-1441.

The toll-free number for reporting election disenfranchisement issues, which will be the hotline on election day, is 1-866-OUR-VOTE. They are seeking volunteers to be at polling places as well as volunteers to help log hotline calls reporting problems related to registration, voter intimidation, deceptive practices, law enforcement activities, non-English language assistance, student voting, absentee voting, criminal status, disability access, and polling place issues.
Learn more about Election Protection 365 and volunteer to help.

Brad Friedman's Election Strike Force will be involved in many projects. He's also offering a $250,000 reward for information that results in an overturning of a congressional election and a conviction of the person(s) responsible for the fraud. Whistleblowers should provide documents, tape recordings, and admissions. Send to tips@velvetrevolution.us.

Parallel Elections
You might think of a parallel election as a 100% exit poll of a precinct. The key, though, is that a PE is run not by officials or media, but by citizens. The primary goal of a PE is to provide an independent, observable, recountable record of how a precinct voted in the official election. You can download a manual at http://tinyurl.com/hrnox , or visit http://www.thelandesreport.com/ParallelElections.htm to study the process.
Rady Ananda and Marj Creech are seeking volunteers for election day. They need ten people per precinct as they target the Pryce-Kilroy race for Ohio's 15th Congressional District seat (Central Ohio). Shifts start at 6 AM and end at 2 AM.
To help with PEs in Central Ohio, contact Rady Ananda at rady.j30@gmail.com or Marj Creech at 740-940-5083 and risenregan@earthlink.net. To volunteer in Warren County, contact Jo Anne Karasek at Jo_Anne@ProtectVotesOhio.org
To help with PEs in California , contact Judy Alter at www.StudyCaliforniaBallots.org

Adopt a Board of Elections
Adopt a Board of Elections. What exactly does that entail? According to the Citizens' Alliance for Secure Elections (CASE), a non-partisan group of volunteers dedicated to accurate and fair elections, there are pre-election, election-day, and post-election responsibilities associated with adopting a board of elections.

Pre-election activities include formally requesting specific documents from the BOE and asking various questions associated with vote count auditing, voting machine allocation, voter purging, voter registration, absentee ballots, election day procedures, election challenger procedures, election monitor procedures, provisional ballots, and recount procedures. This will then lead to lobbying for improvements and contacting the media, if appropriate. See http://www.blackboxvoting.org/toolkit.pdf and/or http://www.uscountvotes.org/ucvData/US/How2CollectData.pdf.

Election-day activities include election monitoring in as many precincts as possible including note-taking and photographing any irregularities.
Post-election activities include performing an audit of actual results and reporting on those results to the media.
Citizens interested in volunteering for CASE Ohio and the Adopt a Board of Elections Program should contact Pete Johnson at pete@caseohio.org or pjohnso6@insight.rr.com. Volunteers interested in serving as election observers can also contact Tim Kettler at TimKettler@sostim06.com.

Video the Vote
Video the Vote is seeking volunteers to help with an organized effort to videotape problems on election day. These videos will be used on election day, via quick downloads to YouTube, to encourage media to share voting disenfranchisement experiences with the public. The videos may also be used after election day as evidence for potential litigation and as footage for documentary films. This is a non-partisan effort to observe and document election-day activities. Melissa Giraud spoke at the revival and requested volunteers in Ohio and throughout the country to assist with this nationwide effort.

Ohio volunteers may contact Melissa at Melissa@videothevote.org.
Videographers in other states should visit http://www.endtheblackout.org/

How To PE Manual at http://tinyurl.com/hrnox

Democracy is something you do. Hand count paper ballots.
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In 2004, Rady Ananda joined the growing community of citizen journalists. Initially focused on elections, she investigated the 2004 Ohio election, organizing, training and leading several forays into counties to photograph the 2004 ballots. She officially served at three recounts, including the 2004 recount. She also organized and led the team that audited Franklin County Ohio's 2006 election, proving the number of voter signatures did not match official results. Her work appears in three books.

Her blogs also address religious, gender, sexual and racial equality, as well as environmental issues; and are sprinkled with book and film reviews on various topics. She spent most of her working life as a researcher or investigator for private lawyers, and five years as an editor.

She graduated from The Ohio State University's School of Agriculture in December 2003 with a B.S. in Natural Resources.

All material offered here is the property of Rady Ananda, copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009. Permission is granted to repost, with proper attribution including the original link.

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." Tell the truth anyway.

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