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8 House Members View Draft Bill on Independent Science/Tech Probe of WTC 1, 2, 7 Collapses

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Barbara Ellis
Message Barbara Ellis

Photographic evidence also exists of cutter-charge patterns shown by fire flashes on the Towers’ upper floors.

No. 7 collapsed in 6.5 seconds at nearly free-fall speed. Hundreds of witnesses and photographic evidence would seem to indicate that destruction began in its basement. In 1993, bombs were placed in the Towers’ basement areas. Demolition company officials have pointed out they generally initiate operations on high-rise buildings by planting explosives in basements so that the weight of the upper floors helps “collapse the structure.”

Two European experts in demolitions, Hugo Bachmann, Ph.D. and Daniel Jowenko, examined documents and videos of No. 7’s collapse without knowing its identity and  immediately pronounced it a “perfectly executed controlled demolition.”

A skyscraper cannot be prepared for demolition in a single day, as recent television programs about “pulling” celebrated buildings demonstrate. This theory posits therefore if thermate or another high-yield explosive were used, WTC 1, 2, and 7 would have had to be primed for demolitions long before September 11.

Officials, unwittingly or not, engaged in organized prevention of forensic examination of beams and columns. Though it is a felony to remove material evidence from a crime scene, they ordered instant trucking of most of the beams and columns from the site to nearby docks for immediate shipment to Asia as scrap.

Before trucks departed, however, witnesses attested that beam/column ends were cut at 45º angles and “softened;” some ends dripped with molten metal, possible only at temperatures exceeding 2,500ºF. Such testimony would indicate explosives were wrapped diagonally around beams and columns. This is a procedure that demolition experts call  “stepping a building” so it falls in a symmetrical, vertical path to prevent damage to neighboring structures. 

Additional evidence of thermate, according to this theory, has been the 2007 discovery of 744 fragments of human remains on the roof of the Deutsche Bank building. To cremate human remains requires temperatures of at least 3,200ºF.

(10) That the collapses and “dustification” ——molecular destruction of steel and concrete——could have been caused by high-altitude aircraft armed with super-powered lasers now used in direct-energy weaponry (DEW)——or a combination of DEW and high-yield explosives.

Super-laser weaponry is part of the Defense Department’s space-wars armamentarium. The commander of the Air Force’s Cyberspace Command, Maj. Gen. William T. Lord, told the media in April 2008 they have been preparing kinetic weaponry for the “cyber wars” of the 21st century.

That a DEW caused the “dustification” of the Towers is the theory of Judy Wood, Ph.D. who is an engineer knowledgeable about the effects of this kind of weaponry. She has issued a legal challenge to the NIST report’s results asking if the WTC destructive effects might be “consistent” with the use of DEWs. The case is supported by voluminous evidence surrounding the collapses——photographic, seismographic, atmospheric——prior and immediately following No. 7’s collapse. Data also includes statements by multiple witnesses of hearing overhead sounds “of a high-pitched ‘jet engine’” prior to the Towers’ collapse.

The spokesman for the Air Force’s Directed Energy Directorate, Juventino R. Garcia,  quickly reviewed her evidence, and readily conceded the existence and testing of stratospheric weaponry; he stated that the data were “worthy of further investigation.”

Aerial photographs showed large perpendicular holes in the midsections of Buildings 3, 5, and 6 containing dust, but few signs

of rubble from the carved-out portions. No. 4 was split in half by a clean, vertical cut, but also shows no rubble from the destroyed half.

Too, of the hundreds of vehicles cleared from nearby streets and those half-a-mile from the WTC on Roosevelt Drive, many had engines and windows revealing an inside explosion; one car with that burned-out front end missing door handles had a back end that was newly waxed back. A firetruck’s gas tanks were untouched, but its inner parts had disintegrated.

Wood concluded that such phenomena suggested results consistent with claims about DEW’s pinpoint accuracy. They were also characteristic of random explosions subjected to such weaponry’s hurricane-like features similar to a Class 5 storm.

(11) That if high-yield explosives were responsible for the collapses, some may have contained fusion-boosted fissionable materials such as a 1/10th of a kiloton, fourth-generation micro-nuclear device. Or devices. This theory is held by William Deagle who reported his findings about the Oklahoma City bombing at a major 9/11 conference in Vancouver, BC in July 2007. His confidential “Special Op” sources claimed the Murrah building’s floors were “layered” with thermate. Micro-nuclear devices that were placed at its top took out the core, they reported. He indicated this procedure should not be ruled out in theories concerning the Towers’ destruction.

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Dr. Ellis is the principal of Ellis & Associates, LLC, a writers group in Portland OR, a nominee for a Pulitzer Prize in history in 2004 (The Moving Appeal), and a former journalism professor at Louisiana's McNeese State University and Oregon State (more...)
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