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9/11 Passengers Landed in Cleveland

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Under the most likely conclusion based on the direct and circumstantial evidence, they arrived in a plane that flew out of Boston. And they can be distinguished from another group of 69 people whom we can confirm took Flight 1989 and made an emergency landing earlier that morning in Cleveland.

None of the passengers apparently stayed around long enough at the airport to talk to anyone. They were simply seen according to reports. They walked in an orderly fashion to a NASA building at the airport, according to these reports.

So there is not much in the way of physical evidence. Circumstantial evidence includes the siting of passengers not previously accounted for and the identification of planes in the Cleveland area in time to make an emergency landing at the times that witnesses specified that flights landed. Two planes stand out, United 175 and United 93, with United 175 as the stronger choice because of its earlier take-off.

These 200 people are officially anonymous and, for all practical purposes, officially "unpersons" because no official report or supporter of the official theory acknowledges them.

The correctness of this theory nullifies the most important points of the official theory, such as the presence of hijackers, the idea of four specific planes taken over and the four crashes involving those four planes. This is why the road to 9/11 Truth goes through Cleveland!

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Dean Hartwell's book, "Planes without Passengers: the Faked Hijackings of 9/11," reached the top of Amazon's charts for large print books on history. He has authored three others: "Facts Talk but the Guilty Walk:the 9/11 No Hijacker Theory and Its (more...)
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