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OpEdNews Op Eds    H1'ed 6/12/15

American dreaming, from G1 to Bilderberg

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Pepe Escobar
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So Putin was a persona non grata at the G1 plus junior partners? Well, in Italy he visited the Milan Expo; met Prime Minister Renzi and Pope Francis; reminded everyone about the "privileged economic and political ties" between Italy and Russia; and stressed the 400 Italian companies active in Russia and the million Russian tourists who visit Italy every year.

Crucially, he also evoked that consensus; Russia had represented an alternative view as a member of the G8, but now "other powers" felt they no longer needed it. The bottom line: it's impossible to have an adult conversation with Obama and friends.

And right on cue, from Berlin -- where he was displaying his sterling foreign policy credentials, Jeb Bush, brother of destroyer of Iraq Dubya Bush, fully scripted by his neocon advisers, declared Putin a bully and rallied Europe to fight, what else, "Russian aggression."

The rhetorical haze over what was really discussed in the Bavarian Alps only began to dissipate at the first chords of the real sound of music; the Bilderberg Group meeting starting this Thursday at the Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol in Austria, only three days after the G1 plus junior partners.

Possible conspiracies aside, Bilderberg may be defined as an ultra-select bunch of elite lobbyists -- politicians, US corporate honchos, EU officials, captains of industry, heads of intelligence agencies, European royals -- organized annually in a sort of informal think tank/policy-forming format, to advance globalization and all crucial matters related to the overall Atlanticist agenda. Call it the prime Atlanticist Masters of the Universe talkfest.

To make things clear -- not that they are big fans of transparency -- the composition of the steering committee is here. And this is what they will be discussing in Austria.

Naturally they will be talking about "Russian aggression" (as in who cares about failed Ukraine; what we need is to prevent Russia from doing business with Europe).

Naturally they will be talking about Syria (as in the partition of the country, with the Caliphate already a fact of post-Sykes-Picot life).

Naturally they will be talking about Iran (as in let's do business, buy their energy and bribe them into joining our club).

But the real deal is really the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) -- the alleged "free trade" deal between the US and the EU. Virtually all major business/finance lobbyists for the TTIP will be under the same Austrian roof.

And not by accident Bilderberg starts one day before "fast track" presidential authority is to be debated at the US Congress.

Vladimir Putin meets with Pope. Meeting comes in the wake of G7 Summit over Russia and Ukraine.
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WikiLeaks and a ton of BRICS

Enter WikiLeaks, with what in a fairer world would be a crucial spanner in the works.

The fast track authority would extend US presidential powers for no less than six years; that includes the next White House tenant, which might well be "The Hillarator" or Jeb "Putin is a bully" Bush.

This presidential authority to negotiate dodgy deals includes not only the TTIP but also the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA).

WikiLeaks, just in time, published the Healthcare Annex to the secret draft "Transparency" chapter of the TPP, along with each country's negotiating position. No wonder this draft is secret. And there's nothing "transparent" about it; it's an undisguised hold-up of national healthcare authorities by Big Pharma.

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Pepe Escobar is an independent geopolitical analyst. He writes for RT, Sputnik and TomDispatch, and is a frequent contributor to websites and radio and TV shows ranging from the US to East Asia. He is the former roving correspondent for Asia (more...)

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