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Bailouts: Keep Blowing and Bubble Will Burst

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That's on top of another 200,000 immigrants added in December! Add another 200,000 immigrants in January, and the same, month in and month out!

Does anyone see the correlation with our financial plight? Where is the common sense of importing more bodies when our own workers stand in unemployment lines?

Now is the time for sensible decision making-as other countries must decide-regarding how many immigrants we can sustain before exploding into chaos. We accept more immigrants annually than all other countries combined!

Our natural resources suffer over-extension today! California's accelerating water shortages, arable land loss plus overwhelming debt strangles its sustainability! California depicts and portends America's future. From the looks of things in the past two months, baby, we're already there!

Why do we entertain inviting millions more immigrants into our country when our middle class stands in welfare lines, visits soup kitchens, floods into food banks and loses homes?

What might make a viable future achievable?

We must return to a frugality mentality. We must pay for only what we can afford. Congress, yeah, that's you, both democrats and republicans-import only what we need if we cannot manufacture it. How about a hefty dose of conservation versus our rampant national throwaway mentality?

Our current national dilemma stems from Congress' irresponsible actions to this point. Doesn't it sound reasonable to change our actions toward functional and viable outcomes?

Our immigration-inflated population and extravagant resource- devouring society must return to balance. Homeostasis of our economy and demographics! Americans decry limits; however, denial of their reality will assuredly burst the balloon of our inflated civilization. Limits exist! Face them now or feel them later!

Kunstler said, "At peak oil and just beyond, there is massive potential for system failures of all kinds-social, economic and political. Peak is quite literally a tipping point. Beyond peak oil, things unravel and the center does not hold. Beyond peak, all bets are off about civilization's future."

"Can you think of any problem in any area of human endeavor on any scale, from microscopic to global, whose long-term solution is in any demonstrable way aided, assisted, or advanced by further increases of population, locally, nationally, or globally." Dr. Albert Bartlett

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Frosty Wooldridge Bio: Frosty Wooldridge possesses a unique view of the world, cultures and families in that he has bicycled around the globe 100,000 miles, on six continents and six times across the United States in the past 30 years. His books (more...)
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