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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 8/5/09

Blackwater Founder's Visions of Christian Supremacy in Iraq

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Kevin Gosztola
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Prince has served on the board of directors of Christian Freedom International, a "crusading missionary organization operating in the overwhelmingly Islamic countries of Sudan, Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq. Â

Prince is and has been one of many leaders who have been using forces and violence because of what they believe. When considering other crusader elements that have played a role in the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and the entire "war on terror, it becomes more apparent that the U.S. is waging violence in a calculated manner similar to Islamic jihad and many are doing it for religious reasons like Islamic jihadists, aiming to advance a Christian supremacist agenda.

In 2007, Operation Stand Up planned to send "freedom packages to soldiers and Marines in Iraq that would have contained Bibles and "the apocalyptic video game, "Left Behind: Eternal Forces, where "Christians carry on warfare against people of other faiths. (The Military Religious Freedom Foundation prevented the packages from being sent.)Â

Campus Crusade for Christ (known as "cru on college campuses) has been providing weekly "God s Basic Training programs to the U.S. Air Force Academy so that " ˜government paid missionaries can complete their training.

Televangelist John Hagee, a pastor of a 16,000 member church with millions of viewers a week, preaches "that in order to bring about the Second Coming of Christ and the Rapture of true believers, Islam first has to be destroyed.

In an interview on NPR, Hagee, who Americans may remember from John McCain s presidential campaign, said on Fresh Air in September of 2006:

GROSS: Pastor Hagee, if you believe that the Bible takes precedence over Washington, D.C., I would assume maybe you'd think the Bible takes precedence over the Israeli government as well. If you use the Bible as the basis of policy, is there any room for compromise? And if you use the Bible as the basis for policy, then should Muslims be using the Quran as the basis of their policy? And again, what possible room for compromise is there at that point?

HAGEE: There's really no room for compromise between radical Islam and --

GROSS: I'm not talking about radical Islam. I'm just talking about Islam in general.

HAGEE: Well, Islam in general, those who live by the Quran have a scriptural mandate to kill Christians and Jews. Now, I had an Islamic on my television show last week. His name was Walid Shoebat. He was raised as a Palestinian terrorist and at one time was -- placed a bomb and was supposed to walk into a bank. And I said, "Walid, I'm trying to understand the definition of what is a radical Islamic person, because I've read many books, many magazines and I can't come up with a good definition of what constitutes a radical Islamic." And he says these words, and I'll quote them, he said, "Anyone who truly believes the Quran is willing to kill Christians or Jews. That's waging jihad." He said, "Now, those people who are willing to go into another country and start a war will only be about 15 to 20 percent of Islam."

There are 1.3 billion people who follow the Islamic faith, so if you're saying there's only 15 percent that want to come to America or invade Israel to crush it, you're only talking about 200 million people. That's far more than Hitler and Japan and Italy and all of the axis powers in World War II had under arms. That is a massive number of people. So while we may define radical Islam as a minority, because there are so many, it is still an overpowering military potential.

Bush once thanked Hagee for "spreading the hope of God's love and the universal gift of freedom."Â

If you recall, in May, GQ got a hold of "briefing covers showing that briefings from Rumsfeld and elite Pentagon strategists on progress in Iraq came illustrated by "victorious quotes from the Bible and gung-ho photographs of U.S. troops.

Major General Glen Shaffer, the director for intelligence serving Mr Rumsfeld and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a devout Christian dressed the briefings up with religious themes and Bush read them and accepted that what was happening in Iraq as part of his "mission from God.

The latest news from Iraq reported by the Jerusalem Post is that Iran s Fars news agency is claiming the CIA and Mossad have been "actively promoting Christianity in the Kurdish region of Iraq.

The agency claims Americans and Israelis have been "offering $1,000 to any youngster willing to convert to Christianity.

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Kevin Gosztola is managing editor of Shadowproof Press. He also produces and co-hosts the weekly podcast, "Unauthorized Disclosure." He was an editor for OpEdNews.com
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