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Canada: From 9/11 Horror to Hemispheric Military Co-operation

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Steve Beckow
Message Steve Beckow
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It is time to stop being bamboozled. It is time to wake up out of the hypnotism of "anti-terrorism."- When all the military agreements since 9/11 are examined in the cold light of day, a day in which the "war on terrorism"- is seen to be a neoconservative ploy, the need for the drumbeat disappears, the need for all the military agreements disappears, and what is revealed is the expansionist agenda that is their true reason for being.


I will research these in more detail soon. But I have noticed such a momentum to the joint American/Canadian military agreements that I first wish to alert Canadians by way of simple opinion.  It is my simple opinion that Canadians are being railroaded into ceding their country militarily to the United States by a series of military agreements founded on fictitious grounds.


Canadians can go outside today and take a deep breath of cool air and know that there is no war on terrorism--save that which the United States government itself is creating as a pretext to usurping our country.


(1)   See, for example, "In the Name of All Who Died on 9/11, We Must Act Now,"- OpEdNews, 4 Sept. 2007, at http://tinyurl.com/6r2dvu and "To Muslims of America, I Apologize,"- OpEdNews, 19 Sept. 2007, at http://tinyurl.com/5jgssd.

(2)   See talk by Sibel Edmonds to American Librarians Association, "Paul Reveres or Benedict Arnolds: Whistleblowing in bthe Post/911 Age,"- blip.tv, at http://www.blip.tv/file/314908/.

(3)   At the White House website, http://tinyurl.com/6xtxll .

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The author is a former Member of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada and a member of Mensa Canada. He is the author of several Internet books and articles on gender persecution, cross-cultural spirituality, life after death, and the 2012 (more...)
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