You’re kidding, aren’t ya?
Asked how effective she felt the event was, Nancy Cunningham of Code Pink of Greater Dallas commented,” It’s just sad how much anger and hostility we saw from the pro-Palin supporters. Dallas County went blue in 06 and will increasingly get more democratic. Everyone who came out was wonderful – I loved the young people coming! This was a huge event –the turnout was smaller than the Bush visit in November 06 but much larger that the small local peace events. I love it when events cross age and issue and race lines and combine the interests of many groups.” Cunningham has mounted photos and video footage of the event on:
Sarah Palin’s SUV whizzed by our end of the street and dove into the hotel parking garage. Did she bother to look up to notice the simple sign held proudly by one protester? “Jesus was a community organizer”. A diverse community in support of women’s rights, free speech and democracy stood strong and proud Oct. 3 in Dallas TX. We would have warmly welcomed Jesus to stand with us.
1) From Dallas Voice print edition September 26, 2008
2) E-mail received by Dawn Meifert from a Republican Party precinct chair
3) Italicized, boldface comments were submitted on the mybarackobama event page and are run here verbatim
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