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Dear Conservative Church Fellowships, Let's Talk about Empowerment of Women and Families,

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However, I am prepared to wait and simply encourage the family to consider the advice I feel called by my personal experience to share.


I share and emphasize ALL this NOW because of a story from our current fellowship dating back a few years.


The following was reported to me as an important but disturbing event in my current fellowship's history.  (My current church fellowship conducts its services both in German and in English.)


-"On one Sunday several summers ago, an African member of the church had her father visit the fellowship.  This African women then stepped-up to translate the service into the language of her father."-


-"After several minutes, an American member of this bilingual congregation--namely a member from one of the more conservative traditions in the fellowship""loudly got up to leave."-


-"However, before he angrily marched out of the room, this same American stated, "-I cannot stay here because a woman is not permitted to lead, translate or give advice to men in my fellowship.'"-


-"This same American then contacted church leaders in the United States and complained about this very  incident."-


-"The subsequent enquiry from the American-side led the German's in the congregation, who have generally been more progressive and tolerant on women's matters,  to fear a takeover of their church building, i.e. which had been built with the assistance of  American missionary funds nearly 40 years earlier."-



I have shared with you in face-to-face discussion that I was baptized as an adult on 12th of March 2000 in the waters of the Persian Gulf in the Emirate of Sharjah in the federation of the UAE.


Two days later, I had taken off for a long weekend to Oman by bus. 


Before I left for Muscat, I had contacted a small fellowship in that capital city.  I was able to meet with the leader of the church and to study the Bible and worship with them.


In the meantime, I had decided to rent a car as Oman was difficult to travel around  by using public transportation.


This particular small church fellowship in Muscat, Oman asked me if I would be willing to drive to a hospital in the Omani desert, where a Filipino sister-in-Christ worked as a nurse.


At first, I agreed to undertake the trip and began planning to make the six or seven  hour journey into the desert. 

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KEVIN STODA-has been blessed to have either traveled in or worked in nearly 100 countries on five continents over the past two and a half decades.--He sees himself as a peace educator and have been-- a promoter of good economic and social development--making-him an enemy of my homelands humongous DEFENSE SPENDING and its focus on using weapons to try and solve global (more...)

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