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Letter to Bernie Sanders: The TRUTH About Why The Schools Failed

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To begin, a very brief introduction: My resume at my author's Page at Oped News, where I am a "trusted voice" who 'reports' on the devastation to the 15,880 schools systems that are America's Institution of Public Education.

I have been telling the same story for 16 years now, the story of the beginning of the end to the public schools and with it the only road to income equality. Like you, I have always spoken truth, and so nothing I say here is new-- just hidden by the media.what is new, is the speed of the privatization movement and the

I have been an activist writer on this subject, SINCE 1998 when I personally experienced the beginning of the war on public education, that began with the first, hidden and literally unknown assault on the career practitioner-teacher, and resulted in the catastrophic failure of our wonderful NYC schools. I listen to the voices of the teachers at the Ravitch blog for two years now, and I can tell you that they lost the war, And, Senator, they ARE the grunts on the ground in this the battle for who will tell our future citizens our history!

Teachers are fighting a powerful corporate entity --the EDUCATIONAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, of which Pearson is a 'charter' member. Their vast wealth bought the media which sang Duncan's ''bad' teacher' serenade, to bamboozle the public. You needs to begin the conversation about learning, not teaching, which was Duncan's rant!

I have on my desk, Clinton Rossiter's, "The American Presidency," which we both read in our history class with Larry Storch. I know what that office means to this country, and I have worked tirelessly for you, as a Founding Member, and I will do whatever possible to elect the man who I know is a great man. I listen to you, Senator, and Iknow what you have tried to do, and what you have accomplished.

If there was one story out of the tens of thousands of stories of dedicated, talented and educated people that is evidence of the teacher's plight, it is this one Lawless America "Cold Interview" - YouTube.I beg you to hear Lorna Stremcha tell her story of the principal who set her up to be sexually assaulted.

Bernie, we saw the financial crisis and heard the critters at Libor say, "Hey, everyone was doing it." The schools are microcosms of the larger culture. When there is not a shred of accountability under the law, and in addition the MEDIA , this 5th estate, is silent, then the failed human beings and greedy power-mongers get to do their dirty work.

We need to bring collective bargaining and the civil law, and thus we need to build strong NEW union leadership. THIS you need to stress. The law must rule the workplace. This is the go-to book for your campaign: "Bravery, Bullies and Blowhards, by the lady you saw in the Lawless video link earlier in this letter. (You did see it??)

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I began teaching in 1963,; Ba and BS in Education -Brooklyn College. I have the equivalent of 2 additional Master's, mainly in Literacy Studies and Graphic Design. I was the only seventh grade teacher of English from 1990 -1999 at East Side (more...)

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