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How Could This Happen: The five crucial factors by Susan Lee Schwartz

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THIRD CRUCIAL FACTOR: was the INTERNET RANTS. The media was 'worked' in tandem with the internet!

THE INTERNET followed the lead of the "Media organizations [which] followed the lead of Republicans whose bitter partisanship was, and remains, unparalleled -- "consider the flood of abuse directed by the Republicans at Hillary Clinton over the Benghazi deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three colleagues in 2012. Raked over the coals by Republican inquisitors in Congress who could never make a case that she had acted wrongly in Libya -- and who, for that matter, never acknowledged that they had cut security funds for American embassies"

I read the endless 'killery chants, even here at Oped, (where I consider the readership and editorial staff intelligent and well-read) insinuating that SHE DID IT" as if she made ALL the decisions -- as if she were the president. But asTodd Gitlin points out at Bill Moyers: -- a secretary of state is not a president! She is a former secretary of state running for president" Clinton had to face long-drawn-out accusations of vastly greater malfeasance than when the 1983 bombing of the American Marine barracks in Beirut resulted in the killing of 241 American servicemen and women. After that massacre, conducted on Ronald Reagan's watch, a single Democratic House subcommittee conducted a six-week-long investigation. After the killings of the four Americans in Benghazi, the Republican-led House conducted seven investigations, one of which lasted three years; the Republican-led Senate conducted another one. "

I remember, once, when I dared to post a link to a memorabilia piece about Hillary, I was attacked, and it was insinuated that I had "hacked Oped," when all i was doing was pointing out that I remember her-- as first lady and my senator ! Even Rob wanted to know why I posted a positive piece about her.

It was the media & the internet that did this, allowed opinion to stamp out truth!

The FOURTH CRUCIAL FACTOR was the DNC'S BLINDNESS: What to Blame for and Who's To Blame: Excoriate the DNC by our own Rob Kall, who nails it. For goodness sakes, there was Bernie -- the charismatic, wonderful human being, whose reputation and experience was unassailable, and he had roused the very people who turned to the liar Trump, in order to get "the change" he offered. Even as the press pointed to his 'socialistic' ideas, the DNC ignored the 'social' movement of our masses, the "society" itself, the democratic party organization listened to the voices in their own had, and gave the nomination NOT to the man who could and would beat Trump, but to HRC!

There is A FIFTH FACTOR -- she is a woman. Americans have gotten used to female secretaries of state but a PRESIDENT? "To use the metaphor du jour, the glass ceiling that used to hang over the State Department was smashed to smithereens. They went after her. "A Democrat running for president is going to be smeared by the Republicans. This goes without saying. But a Democratic woman running for president gets extra layers of smear," says Alexandra Petr i: "It is pretty funny. She must be a super-powerful woman to inspire so much fear and fantastic theorizing." Petri's article begins: begins: "Before Time, Before the Earth Was Made, Before Matter and Being and History: Hillary Clinton (Lucifer, Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies, Prince of Darkness, Satan, She Whose Many Names the Cats Scream in the Night) is cast out of heaven for overweening hubris. She is condemned to lie in eternal torment in a lake of fire surrounded by her fallen angels, or, alternatively, to run for a major office while female. For thousands of years she lies outside time, smelling of sulfur, before deciding to undertake the second option. "

Yeah, and she eats babies.

FINALLY, and many of you wont like this -- and yes, I know, Yes, I know all about th e IDEAL and principles that underly our very democracy --such as our rights to be free to vote our conscience. But our freedom was at stake here." I do not admire the noble idealists, who ignored the monster at the gates, and patted themselves on the back as good citizens, saying: 'we gotta vote our conscience' -- even if we throw away our vote in this year when a dangerous fascist was running! That did it" those precious votes, squandered by people who supported could not possibly win-- an ignorant idiot (what's a 'leppo')? and to a jewish woman whoNOBODY KNEW.

I gotta go, and get some tissues to dry my eyes, because I love my sons and my grandkids, and this fraud, this climate-change denier, this sick, ill-tempered liar, this ignorant child with a finger on a button that can loose Armageddon, is going to determine their future.

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I began teaching in 1963,; Ba and BS in Education -Brooklyn College. I have the equivalent of 2 additional Master's, mainly in Literacy Studies and Graphic Design. I was the only seventh grade teacher of English from 1990 -1999 at East Side (more...)

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