Are Palestinians on “candid camera”? Is this atrocity unfolding before us part of some prank? Should we expect Ashton Kutcher to appear at any moment and bring all the dead innocent civilians in Gaza back to life?
When do the world powers in on this "punking" plan to show the victims of Israeli brutality where the hidden cameras are located?
Keep in mind that on these television shows apartheid and genocide (let alone death and brutality) do not happen. The show is reserved for acts that are like, "I just destroyed all the scenes of you in your movie and you will now have to go back and reshoot the film."
Nonetheless, Kall suggests that the Palestinians are being “punked” and to be fair, he suggests they are not being “punked” by Ashton Kutcher but by Hamas:
…The leaders of Hamas knew their rocket firings would produce a strong response from Israel but surely underestimated just how big a response. They fired them fully aware of the deaths that would follow. This is consistent with Hamas now calling for Palestinians to become suicide bombers. Hamas leaders are ready to sacrifice the lives of Palestinians to further their political goals.
For example, Hamas leader, Nizar Rayan, who was killed, along with his four wives and 10 children, had, in 2001, sent one of his children as a suicide bomber and had said he wanted to be martyred. It’s one thing to want to be a martyr. It’s another, as a leader, to precipitate violence that makes helpless Palestinians who did not volunteer to be martyrs into victims.
The Hamas power ploy seems to have worked. A growing number of observers now believe that, Israel was, shall we say, “punked” by Hamas and that their response actually helped Hamas. Hamas knew that the political situation in Israel would force the Israelis to react militarily…
Kall and others are quick to dismiss the actions of Hamas without considering the full scope of the actions that Israel has taken over the past year or so. Whether Kall and others know it or not, as Jeremy Hammond suggests in his article “Top 5 Lies About Israel’s Assault on Gaza” (an essential read), Israel “announced a “special security zone” within the Gaza Strip and announced that Palestinians who enter this zone [would] be fired upon. In other words, Israel announced its intention that Israeli soldiers would shoot at farmers and other individuals attempting to reach their own land in direct violation of not only the cease-fire but international law.”
Hammond rightfully concludes, “Israel's actions, including its violation of the cease-fire, predictably resulted in an escalation of rocket attacks against its own population.”
This is all part of Lie #2, which is that “Hamas violated the cease-fire” and the “Israeli bombardment is a response to Palestinian rocket fire and is designed to end such rocket attacks.”
The rocket attacks continue to be the excuse or argument for why Israel is engaging in an act of aggression against Palestinians. Israel and the U.S. continue to promote the idea that Hamas is responsible for the loss of any civilians.
Without food, without water, without power, with sewage spilling into the streets, under air strikes, and now, under a ground offensive from Israel all after an Israeli blockade that has been long running, Americans look to Hamas and second the remarks Israeli political figures and in doing so, also second the remarks of U.S. politicians like Bush.
Why, if Hamas is manufacturing humanitarian crisis, haven’t the Palestinians in Gaza begun to take out the Hamas leaders so that this can all be over? It has been suggested that Iraqi leaders would take out any elements of al Qaeda if the U.S. agreed to end the U.S. occupation of Iraq and withdraw (see the following article by Ken Silverstein from Harper’s).
If Israel would withdraw and end the act of aggression and its acts of oppression, don’t you think Palestinians, who have been engaged in this fierce conflict for over sixty years now, would take action to make such an end a reality?
And, additionally, how long does it take for Israel to take out the “terrorists” whose rocket fire poses a “threat” to them? With all that weaponry from the U.S., why is the problem of rockets such a huge deal for Israel?
Hamas rockets are the pretext. The rockets, as well as Israel’s right to exist and along with the Palestinian’s or Hamas’ lack of permission from Western powers to resist have all contributed to the escalation of this conflict.
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