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Obama Has Blatantly Violated Our Constitution and International Law. Here's How.

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* bailing out the biggest crooks in history, the Wall Street banksters, using an enormous injection of taxpayer money to do so, while refusing to prosecute even one of them, and then allowing them not only to keep their jobs despite abundant evidence of their corrupt and fraudulent practices, but allowing them to reap unconscionable rewards and vast bonuses, and then keeping silent while the Fed relieved them of their bad paper (junk bonds) at face value, thus essentially putting the full faith and credit of the United States on the line for what are essentially junk bonds;


* allowing underwater mortgages to destroy their mortgagees' lives, and then refusing to prosecute even the most blatantly fraudulent evictions that were based on robo-signed mortgages;


* coordinating a nationwide conspiracy to physically attack and undermine peaceful demonstrations against the corruption of Wall Street;


* expanding the Global War On Terror to include at least six countries with which we are officially not at war;


* expanding the presence of CIA death squads to between 70 and 124 countries;


* pushing more "free trade" agreements modeled on NAFTA and the WTO, which will cost Americans many thousands more of their jobs;


* refusing to employ any significant amount of stimulus during the worst recession since the 1930s, instead opting to be a Hooverite "deficit hawk";


* offering up earned insurances [Medicare and Social security], paid by the poor and middle class, thereby putting these insurances on the altar of fiscal responsibility, for sacrifice, even though they had no part in creating the crash, for which he has absolved and rewarded the trillionaire banking community that was responsible;


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Several years after receiving my M.A. in social science (interdisciplinary studies) I was an instructor at S.F. State University for a year, but then went back to designing automated machinery, and then tech writing, in Silicon Valley. I've (more...)

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