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Obama's Health Reform in Jeopardy? Don't You Believe it

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7) Hyperinflation Around the Corner? This is another reason why we need health care reform. A public health insurance option is the only way to provide health services to a population with purchasing power eroded by a hyperinflationary environment.

8) Health Insurance Insiders Speak Out and Spill The Beans

Wendell Potter, a career insider in the health insurance industry for many years, has turned hero and speaks out about the secret, deceptive and corrupt practices of the health insurance industry.  Wendell Potter says, "I'm the former insurance industry insider now speaking out about how big for-profit insurers have hijacked our health care system and turned it into a giant ATM for Wall Street investors, and how the industry is using its massive wealth and influence to determine what is (and is not) included in the health care reform legislation members of Congress are now writing."

Jay Rockefeller's senate committee
says: "Deceptive practices by insurance companies are not only misleading and widespread, they are absolutely unacceptable to me."

9) Battle for Control of Corporate Media- Obama Wins Again

In spite of corporate control of the media which censures, and omits key information from the health care debate, Obama wins again. 
Here is an example.  The three major newspapers tried to cut out a key Obama reference to single payer health care in their coverage of his AMA speech. 

"Apparently, the editors of the Washington Post, New York Times and Los Angeles Times did not think their readers would be interested in knowing that President Obama believes "there are countries where a single-payer system works pretty well."  However, three of the nation's most prestigious newspapers-the Washington Post, the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times-did publish quotes from the president's speech that artfully took language from both immediately before and after the president's statement that single-payer systems work." (

An Entire Industry Laid to Rest 

Obama's public option health plan is a slam dunk and will be a far better alternative to our current corrupt health insurance industry, which profits by  withholding health care from the sick.  At the end of the day, after the dust clears, the Health Insurance Industry will be eliminated, destroyed, erased, obliterated, disemboweled, gone, bye bye, sayonara.  They will be laid to rest (see left image Arlington National Cemetery Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)

Articles With Related Content:

Why We Need Single Payer Health Care by Jeffrey Dach MD

Making Your Health Insurance Company Pay Up by Jeffrey Dach MD

Links and References

AMA Opposes Obama Public Plan
Doctors' Group Opposes Public Insurance Plan Sign in to Recommend. By ROBERT PEAR June 10, 2009 NY Times.  The American Medical Association said: "The A.M.A. does not believe that creating a public health insurance option for non-disabled individuals under age 65 is the best way to expand health insurance coverage and lower costs. The introduction of a new public plan threatens to restrict patient choice by driving out private insurers, which currently provide coverage for nearly 70 percent of Americans."

The New York Times reported Thursday that the powerful Chicago-based physician group "will oppose creation of a government-sponsored health-insurance plan," a key tenet of the president's reform plan.

AMA Reverses Itself on Plan

That Didn't Take Long Part II: The AMA Takes Mere Hours to Reverse Themselves
Posted on June 11th, 2009 by Jason Rosenbaum in Profits Before People


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Jeffrey Dach MD is a physician and author of three books, Natural Medicine 101, and Bioidentical Hormones 101, and Heart Book all available on Amazon, or as a free e-book on his web sites. Dr. Dach is founder and chief medical officer of (more...)

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