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Our Situation: Focus on the Issues Immediately at Hand

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The monopolization of mainstream media, financial, military production, consumable and perishable production, pandemic fear production driving immunization requirements, and police/military privatization is an attempt at envelopment and dismemberment of personal liberty through the invocation of ever present and increasing fear and ridicule.     

   1. Internet communications that seek answers to questions are associated with "Homegrown Terrorism"-, to the extent that form letters are now sent and Nuns are now targeted as listed terrorist suspects. These people are then restricted from travel.

   2. Monopolized media reproduces and force feeds "legalized"- propaganda fed by the illegal administration talking points and desired public response directives that attempt to form public opinion to their agenda.

   3. Fear is created in various catastrophic disaster forms ranging from flu virus and anthrax spread, impossible to find men in distant caves that somehow threaten us with nuclear attack, tainted foods, and unstable basic everyday elements of life, not to mention global warming which is then confidently converted to global climate change when temperatures do not support warming. These fears are then used to drive the pseudo-need to create monopolistic economic structures to provide a solution. Of course, it is a very rich man that has the problem, reaction, and solution all in hand, he is just in need of money! Go figure!!

   4. This cycle of elitist induced pain and misery has as an objective a global kingdom of serfs and a few ruling families with a global population of 500 million. This is a 90% reduction in the current world population and is put forth as the final solution by Henry Kissinger (Global 2000) and David Rockefeller.

   5. Privatization of police and military forces under corporations such as Blackwater melt the dividing line where use of force is no longer based on oath and honor, but on income and opportunity. This creates a mercenary force willing to do whatever it is paid to do, without "moral hazard"- (a current economic buzzword that indicates the seriousness of the hazard).


   1. Precious metal/stones increase in value in uncertain times.

   2. US Infrastructure companies (Dow Jones) indicating severe lack of liquidity (which is cash money in hand).

   3. US becomes an active duty military Area Of Responsibility, i.e. Battle Zone!

   4. Increasing clandestine Political/Military operations.

   5. Public political statements becoming more fear based to create a carrot and stick leadership style. Any dissent challenging this system is immediately labeled as radical and added to the homegrown terror suspect database or investigation initiation database clearing the way for pseudo legal communications monitoring, disruption, and manipulation.

   6. Mainstream monopolized news (TV, newspapers, and some internet sites) becomes more an exact opposite of reality than a reporter of it.

   7. The dollar abandoned more publicly and more globally as a valid currency.

   8. Threats of catastrophic man made or natural disasters increase with the federal requirement to continually practice response and have at the ready major armed forces with federal command and control to deal with pre-assumed unruly and riotous US citizens.

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