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Pesticide Industry War On Mothers

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Message John Jonik

The thought that pesticides, chlorine, and dioxin parts of typical cigarettes are relevant here is not compatible with the Corporatocracy.   The same applies to all sorts of other (non smoking-related) exposures to the same industrial substances. Tobacco has become the number one scapegoat for crimes of the chemical industries, far ahead of others such as "faulty genes", "bad diet", "lack of exercise", "drinking", and "the unknown".

If smoke from the tobacco plant was as deadly as claimed, the U.S. would have dumped typical cigarettes, instead of A-bombs, on Japan...and the U.S.-backed Israeli government would be throwing smokes over the wall at occupation-resistant Palestinians in Gaza.

Bottom line: There may be no more effective opportunity to expose and indict the chlorine/pesticide industry, and industry-compromised government officials, than in this "smoking" and tobacco prohibition arena. 

They made it common knowledge about the harms of "smoking."  It's our obligation to explain why it's so harmful.

References (among many)

(1)  Smokers May Lose Custody of Children as a Result of New Study and see Anti-Smoking Advocate Pushing to Make Smoking Around Kids a Form of Child Abuse.

(2)  Pesticides on Tobacco: Federal Activities to Assess Risks and Monitor Residues (“That is, tobacco is the nation's ninth highest valued crop, and in terms of the amount of pesticide applied per acre, tobacco ranks sixth--behind potatoes, tomatoes, citrus, grapes, and apples….”)  Also see this Cooperative Extension Burley Tobacco Production Guide for a sampling of many chemicals that the Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University advises be used. 
(3)  Pesticides on Tobacco: Federal Activities to Assess Risks and Monitor Residues (again); and see Po-210 and Pb-210 Inhalation by Cigarette Smoking in Italy for a study on radioactive fertilizers in cigarette smoke.

(4)  US Patent Office (fake tobacco) http://patft.uspto.gov/netahtml/PTO/srchnum.htm            For starters, search Pat. No. 3,978,866 (Peanut Shells);  No.3,976,222 (Coffee Bean Hulls); No. 3,100,492 (Corn cobs); 3,638,660 (wood pulp); 3,993,082 (Carbon Filled Paper ?);  and 3,964,495 (Popped Corn).  (We don't know what the heck "smoke" we're talking, and legislating, about.)

 (5)  Dioxins in cigarette smoke.
(6)  List of 1,110 additives used in cigarettes...if they contain tobacco or not. 
(7)  Burn accelerants added to cigarette paper. 
(8)  Addiction enhancement – see Note 6 regarding caffeine, sugar, chocolate, cocoa, etc. Also see Ammonia Added to Cigarettes Can Significantly Boost Availability of Nicotine, Says New Study.

(9)  Use GAO list of 37 tobacco pesticides in Note 2, then simply search for manufacturer's name,    e.g. Re/ Chlorpyrifos (Dow), AKA Dursban... http://www.organicconsumers.org/epa-dow.htm...       .or,  Endosulfan...(Bayer)  http://www.cbgnetwork.org/1900.html....and so on

(10)  Dioxin Update: Children are the Most Vulnerable.
(11)  Cancer-Gate (spin doctors hired to sabotage claims that pesticides are linked to cancer); Exposing a "Grass Roots" Organization: Tobacco-Free Kids; Blowing Smoke:Tobacco-Free Kids, Allies Overshoot Campaign; and Splenda: Is It Safe or Not? for a discussion of the harms of artificial sweeteners.
(12)  Smoking in pregnancy may deform fingers, toes, researchers find.  For other causes of syndactyly and other deformities, see Pesticide Appliers, Biocides, and Birth Defects in Rural Minnesota, Agent Orange Illnesses That Effect Veterans; and excerpts from the book, Veterans and Agent Orange by the US Institute of Medicine, Committee to Review the Health Effects in Vietnam Veterans of Exposure to Herbicides, Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.

(13)  Potent Immune System Poison: Dioxin; and see Tobacco Stains: The global footprint of a deadly crop, where it’s reported that DDT and dieldrin are being used overseas, though banned in the US.

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Long time activist in areas relating to industrial toxics, media content and control, death penalty, Mumia Abu-Jamal, hemp prohibition, civil rights, insurance influence in public governing, religious influence in public governing, unsafe foods, (more...)
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