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Proud to be a Liberal

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While Liberals emphasize individual responsibility, we also promote collective action. We're in favor of unions and cooperatives. We don't believe that wealth and power should influence democratic process and we don't accept that corporations have the same rights as do individuals. We believe that a healthy public enterprise is a vital and essential part of our democracy.

The United States is struggling through the worst recession in eighty years. In January of 2009, the Obama Administration intervened with a stimulus package. It was the right thing to do and kept the US from sliding into a terrible depression. Unfortunately it wasn't sufficient; the US is stuck in a flat recovery with high unemployment. Liberals contend the US needs an additional stimulus package to create jobs.

Liberals believe that all Americans have the right to a decent job paying a living wage. When the market fails, Liberals expect the government to intervene.

Meanwhile, the environment continues to deteriorate and 2010 is on track to be the hottest year ever recorded. Every day we hear news of global climate events ranging from floods to massive forest fires. Liberals believe that to protect the common good, to preserve the precious resources of the United States, we must drastically reduce our carbon consumption and take steps to remedy the environmental damage already inflicted on our communities.

On June 26, 2009, the House approved the American Clean Energy and Security Act but the GOP blocked similar legislation in the Senate. Liberals want a strengthened version of this bill passed in the 112th Congress. We believe that our children and grandchildren should live in a healthy environment.

Liberals believe in comprehensive campaign finance reform, reducing the influence of moneyed interests and lobbyists. In June the House passed campaign finance reform legislation that alleviated the impact of the Citizens United vs. FEC Supreme Court ruling; Senate Republicans blocked this legislation. Liberals want a strengthened version of this bill passed in the 112th Congress. We believe that in a Democracy each vote should carry the same weight.

These are only a few of the reasons I'm proud to be a Liberal, to stand up for values, visions, and legislation that strengthen the American dream.

I invite you all to join me: get up out of your chairs, open the window, stick your head out, and yell, "I'm proud to be a Liberal and I'm not going to take this anymore!"

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Bob Burnett is a Berkeley writer. In a previous life he was one of the executive founders of Cisco Systems.
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