In short, we are in a hell of a mess and much of it can be traced right back to September the 11th, 2001. As difficult as it is to conceive, what if 9/11 was a false flag operation? Wouldn't acknowledging that fact move us toward changes in priorities needed to more effectively deal with the challenges we now face. For example, if 9/11 was a false flag operation, why do we need to be in Afghanistan? Need we be so concerned about terrorism from abroad, if the real perpetrators of 9/11 are Americans? If 9/11 was a false flag operation, where is the justification for continuing the so-called Patriot Act? If 9/11 was a false flag operation, couldn't we solve many of our societal needs by cutting the Pentagon's budget?
It is clear that even though 9/11 happened years ago it is still driving our decision-making today. If our understanding of it is flawed, then our decision-making and public policies will be deeply flawed as well, possibly for generations. It is time for us as a people to accept what the slow accumulation of evidence of what actually happened on 9/11 suggests, it was probably a false flag operation staged to make us more likely to accept a government run by a small number of corporate heads and wealthy individuals where individual liberties are at the whim of the decision-makers.
Here are just a few of the questions that have arisen from the ashes of the WTC in the years following the event:
Fire is given as the primary official reason for the collapse of WTC towers one and two, but these towers are the first steel frame towers to collapse from fire in over 100 years of building steel frame buildings. There are examples of fires raging for over 20 hours in steel-frame buildings without bring them down.
Damage from falling debris is given as the reason for the collapse of WTC building Seven, even though the amount of damage to Seven is nothing compared with the buildings Three, Four, Five, and Six that remained largely standing under the debris from WTC One and Two.
Damage from the fires to the steel in the upper floors of WTC One and Two is supposed to have caused the floors to pancake down on one another causing the complete collapse of the buildings. However, the debris pile contained no stack of collapsed floors.
Most of the debris pile was in very small fragments, more consistent with the results of a demolition than a catastrophic collapse.
The symmetrical collapses of WTC buildings One, Two, and Seven into their own footprint defy any logical explanation.
The tops of WTC buildings One, Two, and Seven fell to the ground almost at a free-fall speed, as though none of the lower floors offered any resistance to the falling debris from upper floors.
Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country. Read the material on the Net at places like to learn the questions that professional architects and engineers have raised about the WTC collapse on 9/11. Call your President, Congressman, or Senator and demand a new criminal investigation of the event. Have the courage to question your neighbors, friends, acquaintances, and co-workers on what they know about the physical events of 9/11. Write letters to the editor, on-line comments, and/or emails to the authors of any public expression of the assumption that 9/11 was an attack on the U.S. by 19 box-cutter-welding cavemen.
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