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Russia Invades Ukraine Again and Again- Just Facts not the Fiction

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George Eliason
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Instead of reporting on and asking why an active 4 Star General leading NATO would mislead them (lie) and bring the US a step closer to war, the world was treated to an invasion and reasons to ramp up NATO's posturing toward Russia. These reasons were fleshed out by the reporters and checked by editors.

Newspapers of record including the New York Times and BBC News printed headlines like Ukraine crisis: Russian troops crossed border, Nato says - Fears Rise as Russian Military Units Pour Into Ukraine , and Russia Invades Ukraine Again . Forbes once again jumped into the foray with Russian Forces Moving Into Ukraine .

The Reuters article provided proof of the invasion. " The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, which is monitoring the ceasefire, has reported columns of unmarked soldiers and tanks in Ukraine, traveling away from the Russian border. .. Increasing violence, truce violations and reports of unmarked armed convoys traveling from the direction of the Russian border have aroused fears that a shaky Sept. 5 truce could collapse...A Reuters reporter saw a 50-vehicle column traveling toward the rebel stronghold of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine on Tuesday armed with rocket launchers and artillery guns."

Will any of the above mentioned news outlets and the others not mentioned feel any shame or change their tune the next time this is a convenient story to break? The answer is no. The publishing companies have a 50+ year relationship with the emigre community the Ukrainian diaspora leads. They have worked hand in glove that long hyping up the cold war, Korean war, Vietnam war, and now the war on terror. These relationships were never severed as the constant stream of propaganda shows.

Why would NATO lie about this? NATO's relationship to the Eastern European emigre community and especially the Ukrainian emigres goes back just a little further than the relationship to the press. The Ukrainian emigre's ran cold war intelligence. They provided the misinformation and deceptions that the current defense industry grew on. The politically connected (Bandera-nationalist party) emigres exaggerated Soviet capabilities and lied about intent. The US military and NATO grew into what they have become based on this misinformation. They also provided cold war strategy options based on the same misinformation throughout the cold war to NATO, the war on terror, and now Ukraine. They helped develop the US army psy-op division.

What they really want is the war or cold war with Russia General Breedlove just took a step toward. If he gets this done, he will no doubt lead it from his nuke proof bunker hundreds of feet underground while America's sons and daughters get to fight it out.

Bear in mind this would only be true if the 4 Star General lied about the Russian invasion. This could only be the case if main stream media willfully pushed this agenda. If that is the case the next question is; should he and his staff be relieved of command?

On November 13th, 2014 Alexander Daniluk, Ukraine's Assistant Defense Minister in charge of military reform and modernizing the Ukrainian army stated in an interview he thinks Russia will definitely attack on November 15th at the start of the G-20 summit.

Now you know when to look for the next invasion headline in MSM. Will you believe it?

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George Eliason is an American journalist that lives and works in Donbass. He has been interviewed by and provided analysis for RT, the BBC, and Press-TV. His articles have been published in the Security Assistance Monitor, Washingtons Blog, (more...)

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