Black Lives Matter Minneapolis: Wave these signs around everywhere. The times are desperate and the time is very late. Police slayings of predominantly innocent and harmless black men have to stop.
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According to The Daily Mail article, Police blocked off the intersection of Third Street and Gilman Avenue in San Francisco and Munli trains were halted as they responded to the incident. San Francisco Police Department Chief Suhr said officers fired beanbags at the man and used attempted other non-lethal force before they opened fire. 'It looks like an execution,' a local resident who told the San Francisco Police Commission, reported The Daily Beast. 'This is why we need the cameras and the video.'Department of Public Health workers, who are typically sent out to assist families after a violent death, were at the scene in Bayview.The footage follows a series of high profile police shootings which have sparked Black Lives Matter across the country. Just two days before the San Francisco incident, Chicago cop Jason Van Dyke was arrested and charged with first degree murder.
I wish it wasn't so, but there have been so many unfortunate victims of fatalities just in the recent past that to add each incident as background would be futile. OpEdNews editors prefer clipped and concise stories, not long reads, after all. But each and every one of those unfortunate victims of police slayings had a life, and people who loved him, and those that also miss him. Yes, some of these boys and men suffered from emotional illnesses, but many didn't. One thing I know for sure is that all were victims of the most vile form of racism. These days, the KKK doesn't wear a sheet and a hood. No, they wear navy blue uniforms and badges.
I hear it all the time. And the dialogue's the same everywhere I go: People don't respect the police. It's them, those black guys. Especially the young ones. How many white guys have you ever seen killed by the cops?
And although I never throw pearls before swine, I always think: It's just beginning with those poor black male victims. You'll have your turn someday, too. Just call it some kind of pecking order, and an insane and evil one at that....The police state is upon us and it's starting with these solitary incidents of a police slaying here or there. Someday, these killings won't even make the national news. Someday they may only end up on the police blotter, in some agate type, in the local newspapers. Many of the poor innocents killed by the police in recent years were snuffed out for such trivial and ridiculous reasons that judges handling these cases probably would have dismissed them as frivolous legal snafus.
And even though I don't believe in conspiracy theories, or in arguments suggesting that there is some ominous evil force at play, I can't help but wonder if the powers-that-be are trying to condition and harden the American public to the police slaying unarmed people. People who really haven't done much of anything wrong at all. And yes, they're virtually all black men and boys. Sometimes I try to convince myself that this isn't the case, but then it happens again. Next month, there will be another tragedy involving the police in some American city killing an unarmed black man or boy. But don't ever think I will get conditioned to it. Or worse, callous to it. No! No! No! Not on my watch!
(Article changed on December 4, 2015 at 12:26)
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