Oops, I guess the 152 bills he sponsored in the 109th Congress alone were not good enough for Queen Sarah. Or how about the 110th Congress where he worked across party lines to pass the Global Poverty Act and the Lugar-Obama proliferation and threat reduction initiative. I guess those are not “major” laws to the woman from Wasilla Alaska. I can go further, like where she misrepresented the Obama tax proposals or mocked his logo but why bother? The point has been made.
Welcome to the fray Mrs. Super-Hockey Mom. After tonight the friendly crowds go away and then you will be left to defend your positions and your past. You will have to explain why you fired that guy who refused to deliver your payback to your brother in law. You will have to explain how a “reformer” raises taxes 38% and saddled her home town with a 22 million dollar debt. Maybe you bought the GOP talking points they made up for you. You know, all that malarkey about having “steel in your spine” and what not. Plays well with the red meat crowd you had in front of you last night giving you a five minute standing ovation for having done nothing. Here is the problem though. You don’t have to convince them Sarah. They were voting for John McCain even if a moose were on the ticket with him.
No Sarah, it is those pesky independents you need to convince, or maybe even some disaffected Hillary followers. Last night’s “I’m a victim” speech isn’t going to do it. Blaming the media for correctly asking questions isn’t going to do it either. Mocking other people, who have done more in their lives than you have in Wasilla Alaska is not going to cut it either. You will have to convince them what you bring to the table besides those sharp teeth of yours. You see Sarah, while you were busy being an “executive” of a town smaller than your average corporation, the rest of the country was going through the worst eight years in recent memory. Unemployment has skyrocketed. Wages are declining. Healthcare is unaffordable. Gas has gone from $11 a barrel to $140. Milk and electricity are through the roof. We are in a war that has now been proven to be based on lies and thousands of our kids are dead because of it. Our infrastructure is collapsing and our dollar is devalued. Despite the delusions of our current First Lady, education is an unmitigated disaster. These are not subtleties to the American people Sarah and they are not wiped away by clever sound bites spoken by people who have no clue what they are actually talking about. You see Sarah these problems are all the result of the failed policies of George W. Bush and the GOP controlled Congress. Your boy John McCain was not only part of that congress but in his own words, no one has supported President Bush more than he has. That is why people call him McBush and they are painfully aware that he represents nothing but McSame. He has embraced the Bush economic policies and war policies. He has now even flip-flopped on torture.
This is your platform Sarah. I understand that you really couldn’t talk much about it last night because you can’t sell it to the American people. That is why they wrote your speech the way they did. They trotted out the Super-Hockey-Mom in moose clothing and hoped that people wouldn’t notice the wolf within. So you can pout all you like and draw your little faux lines in the sand. The media will continue to treat you as they should; as someone who is claiming to be something they are not. You get no special privileges Sarah. You can belittle and mock people and talk off the script that they give you but it will not fool the people you need to fool. They will see you for what you are. A one time mayor of a small village, which you left 22 million dollars in debt. The current governor of the 3rd smallest state in the country; and under an ethics investigation in that capacity. I think in the end they will remember you from the way you greeted them last night. As a mean-spirited, condescending politician, reading talking points off a teleprompter but not actually understanding much of what she was saying. In the end, that cannot be one step from the presidency and the American people will realize that.
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