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OpEdNews Op Eds    H4'ed 5/10/12

The Continuing Killing of Trayvon Martin

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Message Allan Goldstein
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My wife pointed it out; whenever they talk about this case it's always Trayvon and Zimmerman. We know the victim, affectionately, by his first name, the killer by his last. Why? Because we take this case personally. Otherwise the wall-to-wall coverage wouldn't be there.

Even among hate crimes, this one is special. When some homophobes kill a gay man, it's news, it's an outrage, we hear about it. But the coverage and concern don't reach Martin/Zimmerman heights. The history is entirely different. Gay people have been harassed and killed for years in America but, as horrid as that history is, cities did not burn. A civil war wasn't fought over that issue, six hundred thousand Americans didn't die because of it.

Race has unique, terrible power over America's moral conscience and with good reason. When a white man kills a black man it's something more than a crime in our eyes, it's something unspeakably worse. Which is why we must speak about it.

White people may not want to see it that way. In our hearts we may think, we are not racist, we elected a black president, we hate not. And all that is probably true for most white Americans.

It doesn't matter. Some lessons must be relearned whenever something terrible happens that reminds us all of our nation's original sin.

I hope justice is done to Mr. Zimmerman. If his version of that tragedy is the truth, I hope he doesn't suffer for it any more than he has already. If he's lying and killed that kid on purpose I hope they throw the book at him.

But either way, I know that justice is being served by all the saturating, 24/7 coverage and conversation. I know we need to work this out slowly, one painful step at a time.

Because, to white America, this is a case, a killing, a mystery, maybe even an annoyance. But to black America it's one six-millionth of a genocide.



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