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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 6/5/11

The John Edwards Case; Justice or Personal Vendetta?

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Message Mike Whitney
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That he beat George H.W. Bush, who elites felt was "entitled" to the job as president?

The truth is, the deep-pocket Clinton enemies never accepted his legitimacy, so they felt vindicated in dragging him through the mud and destroying his reputation over a blow job.

The annihilation of Bill Clinton was like a "coming of age" party for the corporate media. That's when the fourth estate realized its potential to shape policy through political assassination. Now the practice has become so commonplace, that it's hardly worth mentioning. The media jumps from one target to the next, flexing its muscles and crowing after each new triumph.

Have you ever thought about what a fraud the media is?

For example, if the media are told to fabricate stories about fictional WMD or "mobile weapons plants" or Al Qaida operating in Iraq; they comply without question. If they're told to make up stories about Iran's "nuclear weapons program," they do just that. If they're told to provide a flattering picture of the Saudi royal dictatorship while bashing the democratically-elected Hugo Chavez as leftist strongman or socialist autocrat, that's what they do. If they are told to write volumes about a woman who is stoned in Iran, but not to utter a word about the million Iraqis that were killed in America's genocidal invasion, they do so.

No scruples, no morals, no objectivity. Just a slimy bunch of cretins who make their living off the suffering of others. That's the media, for you.

Like any profit-driven business, the media is entirely agenda-driven. When they're given a job, they do it, regardless of who gets hurt in the process, and regardless of whether they're innocent or not. It doesn't matter; it's their job.

So, now Edwards is in their crosshairs, so Edwards will have to be destroyed. We've seen it all before. The media will carry out their mission with the coldblooded indifference of a Mafia hit man. And then they'll boast about it to their miscreant buddies over drinks.

Way to go, guys! Booyah, the "free press"!

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Mike is a freelance writer living in Washington state.

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