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The Party Is Over

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The next American reference to "Opposition Party" was listed on the sixth page and this time was quite literally a joke. In fact, "Opposition party" was "The Word" of the Steven Colbert Report.  It was so funny, I transcribed it and will be printing it on "The [Not-So] Funny Page" of the December edition of my little paper, The Liberty Voice.

The fundamental ingredient for freedom is choice. A rose by any other name may still smell as sweet, but whether a candidate is labeled as Republican or Democrat they both smell like and are full of--how shall I say this politely--it.

Hmmm.  That's a pretty $#!++'/ choice.

In Bill Moyer's recent interview of Kevin Phillips, Phillips described the country as being "centrist...with tendencies towards frustration."

Moyers then asked, "Where is the emerging majority today?" to which Phillips replied, "I would say it's the emerging non-majority. In a lot of ways [the Republicans and Democrats are] a duopoly, a double monopoly that no longer has meaningful ideas but has entrenched interests."

Phillips went on to say, "It's also clear that we have socialism coming in a big way, but it's socialism for the rich. You know, the profits go to finance [companies] but the liability [goes to] the taxpayers." To this, Moyers summed in agreement with just two words, "State capitalism." Phillips agreed, saying, "The bailout [was] state capitalism."

State capitalism is of course when the government owns the corporations. This is better known as 'corporatism' but Moyers would never want to alarm the American people with a word commonly interchangeable with fascism, so he kept his listeners lulled into continued comfort with the kinder, gentler euphemism of "state capitalism."

Unfortunately, the fact remains that both parties overwhelmingly supported the bailout--the US version of "state capitalism." That means if you are among 98.8% of American voters who voted Republicratic, who did you really cast a vote for--the Fascists or the Corporatists?

^Horns^ or ---> Tails <---?

When Moyers asked what “ballooning debt, sliding home prices, recurrent money supply expansion, growing inflation, peak oil, crumbling dollar [and] stagnant wages” had in common, Phillips responded that they were all part of “...not worrying about the ordinary person but sort of faking him or her out with friendly statistics and feel-good stuff. We are in an age of disappointment. And I don't think that's going to be eradicated easily. I'm not sure it will be at all.”

One thing is for certain, until the American people vote for something other than the Republicratic party:






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Sherry Clark is the founder and publisher of The Liberty Voice. The Liberty Voice is a fiercely independent newspaper (imagine opednews in print!) that has distributed a half million papers freely throughout Central Ohio.
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