The United States said it was "deeply offended by this incident, which was not an exercise in patriotism, but instead a reminder of the thug-like tactics previously employed by the Yanukovych regime," the U.S. Embassy in Kiev said in a statement. "This behavior has no place in a Ukraine committed to defending democracy, civil liberties, and individual freedoms, particularly press freedoms."
It is a sheer masterpiece of obfuscation, spin and complete horseshit and the piece should serve as a vital inclusion in any future textbooks on the reading list of Goebbels 101. The Miroshnichenko excuse that he "may have overreacted" could only be taken seriously in a land where gun violence has become so commonplace that a man could be gunned down in cold blood in a Florida movie theater because of a similar overreaction that a box of popcorn was a threat to one's personal safety, there are far too many other examples of such overreactions and the Miroshnichenko excuse is complete hogwash. The line about the "thug-like tactics previously employed by the Yanukovych regime" stretches the bounds of audacity as does the overarching theme of the piece itself which paints the thug as the victim. It is however no small defeat for the neocons and their propagandists in that they were forced to put out a story at all even if it was just a potpourri of fibs for damage control purposes.
The most problematic aspect of this entire bringing "democracy" to Ukraine/ proxy war on Putin farce to the establishment is the prevalence of vicious neo-Nazis and fascists in the western puppet government of Arseniy "Yats" Yatsenyuk. The pictures of our de facto president John McCain schmoozing with them should be eliciting some serious questions about exactly what sort of vermin that the US taxpayer is subsidizing. Anyone with a computer and the ability to use Google can easily find the sordid histories of McCain's friends and their deplorable anti-Semitic views- where in the hell is the ADL and the rest of the Israel Lobby on all of this? Their absence is a damning indictment of their true agenda which is more about exerting influence on US foreign and domestic policy -- as in the ongoing attacks on free speech at American universities -- and one would think that if they had any credibility that they would be asking very serious questions about the composition of the recently installed government in Kiev.
If there is any one writer who continually amazes me with his ability to cut through the bullshit it is Justin Raimondo of, a website that is such a thorn in the side of the imperial warfare state that it was under surveillance by the FBI - a badge of honor in this lamentable land of apple pie authoritarianism. Raimondo's most recent piece entitled "Ukraine's Mysterious Snipers" brings up the Obama-Neocon joint venture's neo-Nazi problem. I excerpt the following:
There is nothing subtle about the views of Svoboda and Right Sector, the two parties which have moved into the leadership of the coupist "interim government": the former used to be called the "Social National Party," and was founded as a memorial to the views of Stepan Bandera, leader of the World War II pro-Nazi militia that fought the Russians and directly participated in the Holocaust. Right Sector, a paramilitary group in charge of "security" at the Maidan, is even more extreme; it was formed from the merger of several militant neo-Nazi groups, including "White Hammer" and "Trident." Neo-Nazis have come from all over Europe to join in Ukraine's "national revolution.
Sooner or later, the ugliness of what is occurring in Ukraine is going to come out: you can't hide a neo-Nazi "national revolution" under the very thin veneer of a "pro-EU" protest forever. And these guys are particularly unpretty -- little more than thugs masquerading as political "activists." There is entirely too much to sweep under the rug here -- and the lumps in the fabric are already showing.
And the lumps will only get more obvious as reports from those being beaten and politically persecuted in Ukraine continue to seep out which they inevitably will given a bit of time. The official denial that the US is backing and funding an un-democratically installed coup government infested with fascists and neo-Nazis has to this point been dismissed as so much Putin propaganda. However, as anyone who has observed the long and painful decline of what was once a powerful democracy into a dystopian society where the media has become nothing more than a propaganda organ for the now fully rogue Deep State that only uses the visible government as an exoskeleton it serves as just one more official lie on top of a mountain of them.
"The preparations for Hate Week were in full swing, and the staffs of all the Ministries were working overtime. Processions, meetings, military parades, lectures, waxworks, displays, film shows, telescreen programmes all had to be organized; stands had to be erected, effigies built, slogans coined, songs written, rumours circulated, photographs faked..".
- George Orwell's 1984
The neocon infested propaganda outlets continue to churn, not only spinning away the Svoboda attack on Panteleymonov but in the rush to nail Putin to their cross of own lies there are as many omissions as there are hit jobs. I do have to hand it to the neocons for their perseverance as well as a never-ending supply of chutzpah. The increasing shrill squeals of outrage emanating from our star spangled chorus of swine not only continues unabated but in one of those wonderful centralized talking points that usually get attached to economic tales of wonder is "picking up steam". The Washington Post though is in a league of its own when it comes to pumping out the lies and propaganda which it does as though each hit piece were a link sausage stuffed with tainted skunk meat.
The crown jewel of Amazon honcho Jeff Bezos' empire has ratcheted up the production line speed with the latest foray into ridiculousness being a nasty diatribe by chess master Garry Kasparov with yet one more of those amazingly creative titles "It's Time to Stop Putin" from which I excerpt:
The next obstacle to stopping Putin is the self-imposed paralysis of the leaders of Europe and the Group of Seven. It is easier for them to say that there is nothing they can do to check Putin's ambitions than to admit that they lack the courage to act. Putin keeps raising the stakes, and the West just keeps folding. There are plenty of levers available to apply pressure on Putin, but they require confronting several hard truths. And this is a generation of political leaders accustomed to telling citizens that it is possible to both cut taxes and spend more, to be free and be safe, to be a great power without ever using power.
The first hard truth is that the only sanctions or other measures that would affect Putin's conduct are those that, directly or indirectly, would target his hold on power. That is all Putin cares about, because he knows what happens when people in his position lose that grip. This is why a recent comment by Secretary of State John Kerry was precisely wrong. "We hope President Putin will recognize that none of what we're saying is meant as a threat," Kerry said. "It's not meant in a personal way." With one feeble remark, Kerry took off the table the only thing Putin cares about.
Obama repeated this mistake on Wednesday when he said that the United States would not send troops to defend Ukraine. Nobody was asking for troops, and Obama probably thinks he is defusing tensions. But where Obama sees a gesture of peaceful intent, Putin sees more weakness. To Putin, his opponent freely surrendered one of his greatest advantages: America's overwhelming military strength. On Iran, on Syria and now regarding Ukraine, Obama has outsourced his foreign policy to Putin and, in so doing, has crippled the power of his office in ways that will long outlast his White House tenure.
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