The uproar was extremely swift and palpable:
President of the Philipines, Rodrigo R. Duterte, challenged Donald Trump to a
fistfight and a legislator is proposing Trump be banned from entering the
Irony on many levels: Duterte is considered the Philipines Donald Trump for his
brash and crude ways and Trump has "branded" a 56-story residential
tower in Manila. But the website
for the tower has this to
In a statement prepared for the event, Donald Trump expressed faith in his partners and said "there will be nothing like it in the Philippines...this will be one of the most significant buildings anywhere in Asia."
In the first "apology" ever to come out of Trump, it's become apparent that The Donald may be as gullible as his supporters and will believe anything his extremely stupid interns will put forth:
Trump, in a statement released today, said that his campaign interns fed him the wrong information, leading him to believe that the entire Philippines was a Muslim country and that it was one of the Republics located in the Middle East.(emphasis mine)
This has elicited a WTF heard round the world. Is he
taking geography lessons from Sarah I-can-see-Russia-from-my-house Palin?
The fact that the above excuse was even broadcast was insanely stupid.
It Runs In The Campaign Family
After incorrectly asserting during a CNN appearance on Saturday that President Barack Obama had invaded Afghanistan, Pierson showed up Sunday on Fox News to defend Donald Trump's decision not to release his tax returns.
During the segment with FOX's Arthel Neville (no FOX softballer), Pierson dismissed the idea of candidates releasing their tax returns as a "novelty". And when Neville countered that it has been done for 50 years, Pierson stated that it was a "novelty tradition."
No knowledge of history. No knowledge of geography. No knowledge of reasoning.
We're waiting for the fat lady to sing. PLEASE!
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