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Trump Leading 67% to Hillary's 19% in National Poll of 50,000

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If the standard is that Montana gets 1 call per 650, so should California. California would then have not 1000 calls but 98,000 calls. California has 97% more people than Wyoming and Montana combined. It should have 97% more calls, not half as many.

This is a poll that totally skews the results to represent, by a huge factor, the voters of the conservative small states over California other large liberal states. . Likewise, New York should not get 1000 votes like a small state but about 70,000 calls, using the same ratio as used in Montana.

This bogus poll is being widely spread by the Trump supporters, just as in 2012, Republicans refused to believe the polls and "knew" that Romney was winning.. Obama won by nearly 5 million, and Rove on Fox news refused to believe the results in an epic meltdown.

Such fake polls do not express public opinion or inform; they are a form of propaganda, disguised as a poll. The use of polling as propaganda is important, and I will address it in another article.

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retired, working radical egalitarian/libertarian socialist old school independent, vegan, survivor

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