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OpEdNews Op Eds    H4'ed 9/20/11

Turkey-Israel Split Reshapes Mideast

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Message Danny Schechter

Turkey has also been playing a close advisory and political support role for the Palestinians in the attempt to win a new statehood status at the United Nations. Israel and the United States oppose that policy and a U.S. veto is likely after President Barack Obama speaks at the UN this week.

There are also simmering tensions between Turkey and Israel on two other fronts. There are strong rumors that Israel may support -- or is supporting -- the Kurdish PKK, a group Ankara sees as terrorist. If true, this could provoke a serious response from Turkey.

Also Israel is aligning with Greek Cypriots to explore for oil in the island of Cyprus which is still divided between Greeks and Turks. The Turkish prime minister has threatened to send warships to stop this, arguing than any oil found off Cyprus should belong to Turks and Greeks.

This tension may easily expand into open hostilities if cool heads don't prevail. Israel says it will defend its interests.

And now, the Israeli Lobby in the United States is reaching into its one-note playbook and starting to brand Turkey as anti-Semitic on the familiar knee-jerk grounds that any opponent of Israel must, by definition, hate Jews.

Watch for more hateful denunciations in the name of fighting hate.

I have already received a propaganda e-mail appeal with the title: "BOYCOTT TURKEY." It said:

"Anti-Semitism is prevalent in many parts of the world and is gaining momentum in Europe and Britain. Synonymous with this ancient form of bigotry is anti-Israelism....

"At this moment, Turkey, which until recent years had enjoyed a decent relationship with Israel, changed dramatically following the election of the Tayyip Erdogan government which is unquestionably aligning itself with Islamic groups who are far from being well disposed towards the Jews and Israel, and is currying favor with such charming people as Ahmadinejad of Iran."

This charge is preposterous on its face. Iran and Turkey are not on the same page. Iran is an Islamic Republic, Turkey a secular democratic one. The former is largely Shia; Turkey is mostly Sunni. They also have major political differences.

The accusation against Turkey is more guilt by association, intended to demonize the Turkish government, which has long been aligned with Israel, for now being furious that its citizens were gunned down on the high seas.

Forget the facts, forget the differences. The pro-Israeli hardliners always need fresh enemies for fundraising purposes. So there they go again, asking: "So what should we as Jews do?"

"Should we sit back and proclaim that we cannot influence events and close our eyes to the menace of anti Jewish activity or do we react with our money and refuse to support the Turkish economy? I urge you to not purchase Turkish made goods."

Now, we have the same people, who say they reject in principle the idea of critics of Israel boycotting Israel, launching a boycott against Turkey, insuring more vituperation and tension in the region.

You can expect parts of the U.S. news media to join in with more one-sided trash talk. Once the Israeli Lobby goes on the ideological warpath, you can be sure that their fabricated issues will get lots of play from their media assets.

One former Wall Street Journal editorial writer came here on a junket with neocon "Prince of Darkness" Richard Perle.

Turkey is a player in this part of the world and can no longer be sidelined or ignored.

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News Dissector Danny Schechter is blogger in chief at Mediachannel.Org He is the author of PLUNDER: Investigating Our Economic Calamity (Cosimo Books) available at Amazon.com. See Newsdisssector.org/store.htm.
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