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Unwelcome: The Muslims Next Door

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Message Steve Beckow
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9/11 was created by a cabal and blamed on Muslims. The evidence for this point of view grows every day. To begin to cite all the inconsistencies and contradictions in the official story would fill a good-sized book and more and more is learned about them as investigation continues.

George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld may even die before they are brought to court but the truth will still emerge one day.

An important part of the plan was to shift the blame to Muslims. Another important part was to invade Afghanistan and Iraq. Please hear me: millions of people have died in a war that began on falses bases and has other goals in mind than somehow striking back against those who "caused" 9/11.

Those goals lie in profit, power, control and similar ends. For that millions of innocent civilians have died. How can we justify support for these wars? And how can we abide ourselves accusing Muslims of crimes they did not commit and yet commit such crimes ourselves?

The whole history of that era has been engineered by evil people but almost none of them were Muslim. It's true that one or two who participated were Muslims but they worked for the engineers of 9/11 and not for a "terrorist" organization.

The very terrorist organization that is accused of causing all the acts of terrorism is itself a creation of the U.S. government (the CIA). The man who is alleged to have led it was a CIA agent. On and on the contradictions go.

People of America, you are being led by the nose. Your antipathies against Muslims are being stoked by people who stand to gain by it. Your armed forces are harming innocent people and there is shame attached to that, not glory.

One day you and I and all of us will have to apologize to those we've hurt. One day those who really engineered 9/11 will have to apologize to all of us as well and to answer for their crimes.

All of this having been said, I don't want it thought that I somehow close my eyes to persecution that arises in Muslim settings. I'm not a fan of Sharia law as it's presently interpreted and practiced in most countries. I don't support the repression of women.

I regard honor killings, acid attacks, female genital mutilation, and other similar crimes and acts of persecution, which happen, by the way, in more countries than simply those of Muslim background, as heinous, without a shred of justification.

But all acts of persecution are done by people and it is people who should be held responsible. One can't condemn a whole group or a whole religion for the actions of individuals.

No one would wish me to condemn the American people because their government caused 9/11. And I don't. Neither would I condemn all Muslims because Sharia law and some other practices, in my eyes, are overwhelmingly, as presently practiced, persecutory.

All the crimes we accuse Muslims of, starting with 9/11 and progressing through many more engineered, false flag actions we call terrorism, were none of them engineered by Muslims. If Muslims participated, they did so as willing accomplices of the main American architects of the plots (usually the CIA black ops unit) or else as mind-controlled Manchurian candidates.

These false-flag operations have been planned since at least the 1970s (1) and were engineered by people from our own group and not from people we somehow consider "outsiders."

If we really were committed to looking for the perpetrators, we'd start to investigate the CIA black ops unit, MOSSAD, the FBI, and military units. If we really wanted to solve those crimes, we'd begin to look for those who are truly responsible.


(1) Listen to Dr. Carol Rosin in 2001:


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The author is a former Member of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada and a member of Mensa Canada. He is the author of several Internet books and articles on gender persecution, cross-cultural spirituality, life after death, and the 2012 (more...)
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