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Voters Angry Over Immigration: No Sound from Candidates or Media

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Message Frosty Wooldridge
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Further, I rebuke every single American citizen or company president or CEO that hires illegal aliens at slave wages in order to gain maximum profits at the expense of our sacred U.S. Constitution.  Everything you enjoy in this nation, paid for by the blood of men and women from Valley Forge to WWII to Korea to Vietnam to the hellish sands of Iraq and Afghanistan-- you spit on the graves of James Madison, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, George Mason, John Adams, Ben Franklin, Betsy Ross, Susan B. Anthony, Dr. Martin Luther King and other Americans who gave their lives for the betterment of this country. 


When you hire an illegal alien, you cheat, you lie, you forge, you commit a federal crime that undermines the foundation of your freedom, your right to speak, to worship, to assemble and to live free.


You undermine the rule of law which forms the foundation of everything you enjoy in this Republic.


You cheat your fellow citizens who lose their jobs and who must pay more taxes to subsidize your greed, to pay for your avarice, lack of personal accountability and lack of responsibility to your country.  And, ultimately to your family!


To the media, your silence weakens this nation because you hide or obfuscate our national crisis.  Every negative aspect of immigration multiplies every single day by thousands of illegals that invade our country against our laws.  Those illegals create horrific consequences to our culture, language and civilization.


It’s as if Obama and McCain along with the national media promote a grand scheme to destroy the foundation of our country by their support of unending hordes of third world poor flooding into our country to destroy our communities, our language, our environment and our functioning society.


Your actions prove immoral, unethical, corrupt, dishonorable and in direct violation of your responsibilities to support the sovereignty of United States of America and our United States Constitution.  


You CEOs, media, Obama and McCain and other elitists add 100 million people to our country within 30 years at a price that none of us will be able to pay as our cities choke with traffic, energy prices cripple us, our water vanishes with too many people, and we breathe thickening, toxic air as we downgrade our quality of life—America faces what Arnold Toynbee said, “Civilizations die from suicide, not murder."

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Frosty Wooldridge Bio: Frosty Wooldridge possesses a unique view of the world, cultures and families in that he has bicycled around the globe 100,000 miles, on six continents and six times across the United States in the past 30 years. His books (more...)
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