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Voting News: Montgomery PA voters thwarted by Sequoia machines. Why CT Finance Ruling Matters

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Message Joyce McCloy
VT: Early primary voting will impact race for governor(video avail)
Early voting for the August 24th primary starts today. It's the earliest Vermonters have been able to vote and the change could have a big impact on the outcome...

WV: Manchin: Senate appointment should come by Sunday
West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin (D) said Monday he expects to name an interim replacement for the late Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) by Sunday.

Internet Voting Watch

Where We Stand on D.C. and Elsewhere
Where do the OSDV Foundation and TrustTheVote Project stand on Internet voting?
How does this square with OSDV's role in the D.C. Pilot?

Independents Begin Online Vote Thursday(commercial internet vote company pr)
The Independent Party of Oregon is launching the first statewide nominating election to be conducted entirely on the Internet.


States Move to Modernize Voter Registration
The Brennan Center for Justice today releases the first in-depth survey of two key voter registration modernization reforms at the state level

Citizens United and the Myth of a Conservative Corporate America


Old style ballot box facing electronic poll threat
"I've seen too much fraud and corruption done with impunity to wish to make it even easier for them to do it in the future -- with a virtual promise of being undetectable."

Australia: ROCK ENROL, HAVE YOU ENROLLED TO VOTE YET?(video aimed at young voters uses action or video game style outreach in video)
Welcome to Adulthood! You can drink, you can get a credit card, and most importantly, you can vote for who represents you in the Federal Parliament!

India: Jumbo boxes for AP elections
WARANGAL: For the first time in its history, the Warangal West Assembly constituency will have jumbo ballot boxes to accommodate newspaper-size ballot papers in the upcoming bypolls. With over 93 candidates in the fray, the Election Commission was forced to do away with electronic voting machines while district officials faced trouble in allotting election symbols to independent candidates, numbering above 85.

India: TRS "papers' poll with candidates to defeat EVMs
NEW DELHI: The TRS strategy to outmanoeuvre Electronic Voting Machines has sounded alarm bells in the Central Election Commission
The TRS has blamed the ruling Congress for manipulating EVMs to emerge victorious in the past elections.

India: Ballot papers in five Andhra by-polls, EVMs in other seven

Nigeria: 2011: Federal Govt considers electronic voting to curb rigging

Voting News by Joyce McCloy.Archives here at http://votingnews.blogspot.com/
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Disclaimer: Articles and commentary included in "Voting News" do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors of Voting News,or its allied organizations. Articles are selected for inclusion to inform subscribers'ability to draw their own conclusions based on noteworthy and credible news,research, legislation, and debate bearing on the integrity of elections

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Editor of the Voting News. The Voting News is a free national newsletter about election integrity issues, voting machines, election fraud, voter access and legislation in United States and international news.

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